The Beast
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In this message we will examine the beast & the anti-Christ. Understanding the mission of Satan is mandatory for the Christian to evangelize today because people will never know how much you care about their eternity until you invest in them now.
The Beast
Revelation, Part 18, Revelation 13:1-10
- On Wednesday night (plug for Wed) we saw a great application for us:
- Today, WE have access to God in prayer
-- Because of what Jesus did on the cross we have a direct line to God
-- Through this access to God we ought to have comfort and safety to act.
- IMP: Those who are lost will NOT come to you
-- You need to go to them!
-- This is the mission of the church
-- This is where we need to spur one another on today
- Knowing what Revelation says is only the beginning of our purpose
-- Acting and taking the Gospel to others is WHAT we must do
-- But more than that; understanding what we are called to do is VITAL!
- Today begins the study of Chapter 13
-- In this chapter we will examine the beast, the anti-Christ, the false prophet, and of course the relevance of the number 666
- The importance of this sermon is vital to your survivability as a Christian
- God needs you to understand these messages (we will conclude Wed night)
- They explain the clear and present danger that we face as Christians
-- Without this knowledge I tell you we are living in a world of denial
-- Understanding the mission of Satan is mandatory for ANY Christian
- Read Revelation 13:1-10
Ω Point 1 – The Beast
- Satan appeared on the Earth and sought to attack the woman (Israel)
-- In Daniel and Revelation the Beast seen are portraits of last human gov’t
- They represent a time BEFORE the return of the Messiah
-- IMP: When Jesus returns the beast will be the dominant force here
- The beast mentioned in Daniel will be the revived Roman Empire
-- Daniel covers this completely in Daniel 2, 7, and 9
-- The beast represents human opposition to God; not a creature
-- Daniel 7:17, “The four great beasts are four kings (literal people, not animals) that will rise from the earth.”
- What is important is there are obvious similarities in the dragon/beast
-- The dragon and the beast have multiple heads and crowns
-- The dragon calls the beast out of the sea (represents giving authority to)
-- The head wound of the beast reflects back to Gen 3:15 (enmity … crush)
- What Daniel saw was that this beast comes from the sea
-- This sea is figuratively referred to here and it is the sea of humanity
-- He doesn’t rise from ocean (John would’ve used “leviathan” (Genesis))
-- Instead, he is seen coming from the sea … that is the sea of humanity
-- This tells us clearly: the anti-Christ will be a man
- The 10 crowns represent the 10 Kingdoms (similarities to the dragon)
-- These make up the initial kingdom to be established by the anti-Christ
-- His authority over the Earth is supreme; it is vicious; without mercy
-- There is nowhere to hide and from those who serve him
-- IMP: Get this: Satan has absolute power from God!
- In his own show of defiance, he places a blasphemous name on him
-- This name will signify his defiance to God, and those who follow him
-- Rather than creation worshiping God, he will demand worship
-- The name is less important than the action: IMP: he calls himself “god”
-- APP: This … is … blasphemy!
- The kingdom of Antichrist will be a world kingdom with a world capital
-- This means that all control will be held solely by Satan
-- Through him all things will be said, done, bought, and sold on this Earth
-- Those living on the Earth during this time will have one option:
-- Worship Satan (follow his rules, etc.) as “God” or be destroyed
Ω Point 2 – The Man
- This is the anti-Christ’s entrance onto the world:
-- John says, “I saw one of his heads …”
-- Re: The heads represent the succession of kingdoms throughout history
-- These kingdoms opposed to God’s redemption through Israel’s Messiah
-- (Slide shows Kingdoms again, Rev 11 study covered this)
- This Seventh head represents the “Revived Roman” kingdom
-- This head (as John sees it) has recovered from a mortal wound
-- This 7th or “Roman Head” is led by the Antichrist, empowered by Satan
- Daniel also noticed one horn among the 10 and describes its appearance and actions: Daniel 7:8, “I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words.”