The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
Contributed by Shane Brooks on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The only thing that died with the last apostle, is belief in the entire word of GOD.
Being baptized with the Holy Spirit
Very controversial-
We’ve heard so many different opinion
Most of us grew up in groups
where it got a lot of bad press
Most of the stuff you’ve heard isn’t even in the bible
Traditions and opinions have trump the word of God – We’re believing lies
Believing a lie has crippled the work of the Holy Spirit
There’s a lot of ignorance, unbelief, tradition-
I want to stamp that out
My calling is to pastor and teach-
The bible separates the saved- unsaved----
sheep& goats
“Peter if you love me…” FEED THE SHEEP-
my calling is not to goats
So I want to teach on the power of the Holy Spirit
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is alive
Questionnaire to play Upward Baskeball
When I say “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” that’s a churchy term
Many Christians have never even heard that term
I will belabor some points this morning so I am clear-
SO IF I’m REDUNDANT- It’s on purpose
Luke 20:1-3
John’s authority came from God
He didn’t get it from man or tradition or His own Peanut Brain
It came from God- So if John said it- it’s from God
Let’s go back to John 1:29-33
John said Jesus would have a 2 fold ministry-
He was lamb who takes away of sin &
He’s the baptizer with the H.S
Some say Holy Ghost, Some say Holy Spirit- “Ghost” KJV
Luke 24:44-45
DID YOU SEE THAT?- Wanna understand the Bible- Let Jesus open your eyes
We need to humble ourselves church-
Thousands taken Bible courses-
They don’t understand
Read VS. 46-49
There are many promises in the Bible- This is THE PROMISE
Luke wrote Luke and Acts
John 20:19-23
Acts 1:1-5
If you let the Bible interpret the Bible-
The promise is the “the baptism with Holy Spirit”
See church “Baptism with the Holy Spirit” is not a charismatic term
It’s actually in the BIBLE
Acts 2:1-4 Here they interchange instead of Baptized the use “FILLED”
Baptism, Filled, Promise of the father- all interchangeable
Peter’s an authority of the Church- NOT ME- NOT Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar…
Let’s see what Peter had to say…
Acts 2:38-39
“The gift of the Holy Spirit” is not SALVATION it’s “THE PROMISE”
Repent and be baptized- that’s salvation
Then you will receive- the promise- power, Baptism, filling of the Holy Spirit
Who came up with the junk- that the power of Holy Spirit
“O that died, with 1st church, last apostle”
The only thing that’s died in our churches
Is belief in the word of God- and belief in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Says here, “for them, their children, and those who are far off”
Peter gets the vision>>EXPLAIN>> Go minister to people who don’t think like you
White man in black man’s house, Baptist in Pentecostals house…
Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius’ house
Peter caught all kinds of grief- These other 6 guys were there too
Acts 11:15
Christians say, “We don’t believe that in our church”-
Better get in Bible believing Church
Because faith come by hearing- If you hear a lie, you have faith in a lie
No one’s afraid of Casper the friendly ghost, so many afraid of “HOLY GHOST”
Hebrews 6:1 Elementary Doctrines- “Doctrine of Baptisms”
Heard preacher, “There is only 1 baptism, One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism
That preacher was dishonest on purpose
Every church believes in 2 – Into the Body, and Water
So he was just making stuff up
1 Corintinains 12:12
This is talking about the baptism into the body of Christ, when you’re saved
The Holy Spirit baptizes you into the body of Christ
That guy on TV believes that, Yet they baptize with water – That’s 2
Theirs is only one baptism that can save you- Baptism into the body
“By the Spirit we are baptized into one body”-
Baptizer Substance Who are qualified
Holy Spirit Body The moment you Believe
Minister Water Church
Jesus Holy Spirit Believers who want Power
Ephesians 4:1-6
There’s one baptism the makes you new, changes your life, forgives sins
Does water baptism save you? Does the baptism of the H.S? NO!
It’s the baptism- when you call upon the name of Lord
And are baptized into the body of Christ
Acts 8:9-17
If they were baptized- they had to be believers
Why does the church need to be Baptized with H.S.----POWER
There is no 1st century church, 1st century saints
There is one church- it started in Acts, it is still going
We are not a latter day church
We are not latter day Saints
We are the body of Christ, and WE NEED THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER