The Balanced Attributes Of God
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jan 28, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: FOCUSING ON THE BALANCED ATTRIBUTES OF GOD For the Right Brained Oriented - Personalized, Emotional, Subjective, & Intuitive Based Perspectives 1.
For the Right Brained Oriented - Personalized, Emotional, Subjective, & Intuitive Based Perspectives
1. Enabler - Phil 2:13, I Pet. 4:11, Col. 1:29, Ruth 4:13
2. Everything that we Need- Psa 119, Phil. 4:17-19
3. Displeasure, Indignation, Anger, - Dt. 11:16,17, 26,28
4. Giver of Every Good Thing - Jm 1:17, Rom. 8:32
5. Faithfulness - 2 Thes 3:3, Phil. 1:6, Heb 10:23
6. Friend - John 15:13-15, Numb. 12:7, Jm. 2:23,
7. Gentleness - Isa 40:11, Psa 18:35, Mt. 11:28,29
8. Giver - John 3:27, James 1:17, Rom 8:32
9. Grace - Eph 1:2, John 1:14-16, 2 Cor 8:9
10. Healer - Psalm 100, James 5:14-16, 2 Cor. 1:4,5
11. Ever Present Stay and Helper - Matt. 18:20, Psa. 54:4
12. Hiding Place & Habitation - Psa 90:1,2 & 91
13. High Priest & Intercessor - Rom.8:34, John 17
14. Merciful - Psa 25:6-7, Psa 145:8,9, Heb. 8:12
15. Rejoicer - Zeph. 3:17, Zach. 10:7, Cor. 13:11
16. Shepherd - Psalm 23, John 10, Psa. 28:9, Mic. 7:14, I Pet2:25
17. Holy Spirit of Love, Law, Liberty - 2 Cor. 3:17,18, Jm.1:25
18. Peace - Eph. 2:14, Jn. 14:27, Phil. 4:6-8, Psa. 85:8, Psa.34:14
19. Power, Purpose, Praise, and Glory - 2 Ch.29:11, Psa.62:11
20. Promise Keeper - Numb. 23:19, I Kgs 8:56, Heb. 6:12-20
21. Love - Jn 3:16, I Jn 4:10, Gal 5:22, I Jn. 3:16, I Cor. 13
22. Refuge and Strength - Psalm 46, Psa. 18:1,32,39
23. Lamb of God - John 1:29, Rev. 5:6, I Pet. 1:19
24. Good - Psa. 25:8, Psa. 119:68, Psa. 84:11, Psa. 100:5
25. Most Glorious and Blessed - Ex. 15:11, Psa. 145:5
26. Provider - Psalm 145:16, Rom. 8:32, Psa. 103:5
27. Deliverer - Psa. 18:2, Psa 70:5, Psa. 144:2
28. Succor - Heb. 2:18
29. Satisfier - Psa. 103:5, Isa 58:10, Psa. 107:9
30. Sustainer - Ruth 4:15, Psa. 54:4
31. Bigger than any problem - I Pet. 5:7, Jer. 32:27, Lk. 1:37
32. Miracle worker - Mk. 6:2, Matt. 13:54, Mk. 6:14
33. Foundation - I Cor. 3:11, Psa. 89:14, Zech. 12:1
34. Prosperer - Psa. 37:7, 2 Chron 32:30, Deut. 28:11, Psa.68:6
35. Promoter - Psa. 75:6, Luke 16:10,11,
36. Warrior - Zeph. 3:17, Ex. 15:3, Psa. 35:1, Josh. 23:3
37. Propitiation - I Jn. 2:2, I Jn 4:10, Rom. 3:25
38. Sovereign - I Tim. 6:15, Psa. 103:19,
39. Savior - I Tim. 4:10, 2 Tim. 1:10, Titus 3:4
40. Intercessor - Rom. 8:27,28, Acts 10
41. Mediator - I Tim. 2:5, Heb. 8:6, Heb. 12:24
42. Fearful God - Luke 12:5, Heb. 10:31
43. Blesser -Eph. 1:3, Psa. 21:3, Prov. 28:20
44. Transformer - Rom. 12:1,2, 2 Cor. 3:18
45. Revealer, Interpreter, and Illuminator - I Cor. 2:9-14
46. Defender - Protector - Zech. 9:15, I Pet. 1:5
47. Empowers - Acts 1:8, I Cor. 2:1-4, I Thes. 1:5
48. One Who Cares - I Pet. 5:7; Isa 27:3, Psa. 23, Psa. 8:4
49. Champion - Psa 4:1 & 63:1, 2 Chron. 20:12, Rom. 7:24,25
50. Compassionate - Lam. 3:22-23, Jer. 31:20, Psa. 78:38
51. Adequacy - 2 Cor. 3:5,6, 2 Tim. 3:17
52. God is Able - I Tim. 1:12, Rom. 4:20,21, Phil. 3:21, Phil. 4:13
53. One who Hears - Isa. 46:4, Ex.19:4, Psa. 116:1,2
54. Beauty & Desirability - Psa. 45:2, Isa. 33:17, Psa. 27:4
55. Counselor - Psa. 33:11, Prov. 8:14, Psa. 32:8, Jn. 16:13
56. Potter - Romans 9:21, Zach. 11:13, Isa. 45:9
57. Sufficiency - 2 Cor. 12:9, 2 Cor. 9:8
58. Jealous - Josh 24:19, Nah. 1:2
59. Consuming Fire - Heb. 12:29, Psa. 18:8, Psa. 46:9
60. Lion of Judah - Rev. 5:5, 2 Sam. 17:10, Hos. 5:14
For the Left Brained Oriented - Objective, Analytical, Logical, Rational, and Scientific Perspectives
1. My Owner - I Chron. 29:11,12, Psa. 50:10, Psa. 74:22
2. Master - Roman 11:31-33, John 6
3. Lord - Roman 14:7-9, John 13:13, I Pet. 3:15
4. Omniscient - Psa 139, Job 42, Matt. 6:32-34
5. Omnipotent - Jer. 32:17, Psa 66:3, Mark 10:27
6. Omnipresent - Psa 139, Eph. 3:14-21
7. Light & salvation - Psa 27
8. Creator and Controller - Genesis 1, 2 Cor. 5:14
9. Food, Fortress, & Fisher of Men - John 6, Psalm 46, Matt. 4:19
10. Author & Perfector - Heb.12:1-3,
11. Purpose, Planner, & Producer - John 15, Jer. 29:11
12. Exalted One - Eph 1, Phil 2:9-11, Col 1:15-19, Heb. 1:3-4
13. Champion - Psa 4:1, Psa 63:1,2 2 Chron 20:12, Psa 45:3-5
14. Greatness - Jer.10:6,7, Mal 1:11, Psa 8:3-4, I Chron 29:11-12
15. Life - Jn 11:25, Jn 14:6, Col. 3:4, I John 5:12,20 John 10:10
16. Planner - Jer. 29:11, Rom. 12:1,2, Psa. 34:8-14
17. Holy - Isa 6:1-3, I Pet. 1:15-16
18. I AM - Mk. 12:26, Mk. 13:6, John 8:58