
Summary: We need to find our location as far as our standing with God and His Calling on our life.

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Scripture: Ex. 3:1 –

Title: “The Backside of The Desert”

Introduction: Verse 1 tells us the ‘location’ of Moses. “The Backside of the Desert.”

This man “Moses” has had the grace of God on his life since he was a baby.

God spared Moses from death when he was just a baby.

God saw to it that Moses was educated by the best teacher Egypt had to offer.

I think it is natural to ask the question, “What are you doing here Moses?”

What in the world has happened to place a man like you in such an awkward place?

Let’s begin,


1. Ex. 2:12 – One day while Moses was observing the work of the slaves he saw one of them being mistreated by an Egyptian.

2. Moses killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand.

3. The next day Moses saw two of the Hebrew slaves in a dispute and tried to settle it.

4. One of the Hebrews asked him, “What are you going to do kill us as you did the Egyptian yesterday?”

5. All of a sudden Moses realized it was known what he had done concerning the killing of the Egyptian.

6. Besides all this, his own people didn’t understand him or his actions.

7. FEAR gripped Moses and he fled to the “Backside of the Desert.”

8. Moses did what he FELT was right and it cost him his ‘cushy’ lifestyle.

9. Many people are living on the ‘Backside of the Desert’ simply because they took a stand.

10. By the way, we are living in one of the most non-confrontational societies of history.

11. Think for a moment how strong the “Politically Correct” philosophy has become in just a few short years.

12. No one wants to be told about their sins anymore!


1. There is not one living person in this world without a “God-given” purpose for their life!

2. We can never escape God’s purpose for our life!

3. Romans 11:29 says, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.”

4. Even wile Moses was on the run God supplied him with the things he needed.

5. Every experience Moses had up until this point in his life had prepared him for the job God had for him to do.

6. Even when Moses arrived at the “Backside of the Desert” he took another ‘stand’ to drive away some shepherds that had pushed away some young women who had come to draw water.

7. This experience introduced Moses to a family that would become very special to him in providing a wife and family.

8. Moses didn’t know God’s purpose but he was about to find out.


1. Moses had found friendship and family on the ‘Backside of the Desert.’

2. He had also developed influence with the people of the community.

3. He had learned a new vocation of being a shepherd of the flock.

4. Moses had seemed to settle down in his new niche back there on the desert and everything seemed to be going fine.

5. BUT Moses still had a “Purpose” back there on the desert also!

6. Moses had escaped Pharaoh and the responsibility of killing the Egyptian, but he hadn’t escaped God!


1. It was probably just another day of taking care of the sheep.

2. Moses notices a bush that is on FIRE, but the bush is not being burned up.

3. Moses decides to check it out because to him it is a “Great Sight” because it is not being consumed.

4. Boy, God sure knows how to get your attention doesn’t He?

5. This “Burning Bush” is God’s ‘attention getter!’

6. A “Great Calling” deserves a “Great Attention Getter!”

7. Moses discovers God.

8. Moses begins to develop a ‘relationship’ with God by talking with Him.

9. Moses discovers his “Purpose.”

10. Moses discovers a “Call.”

11. God tells Moses He wants him to lead His people out of bondage.


1. First of all, God wanted Moses.

2. Second of all, God wanted the obedience of Moses.

3. God wanted Moses to use his abilities under the direction and power of God Himself.

4. God wanted to use one of His own to deliver His own people out of BONDAGE!

5. God had heard the cries of His suffering people.

6. God wanted His people to serve Him so He could give them His BEST!

7. God wanted His people back!

CONCLUSION: Let me go back and recapture a question I asked earlier, “What are you doing here?”

Let’s go back to Genesis 3:9 when God called out to Adam and asked him, “Where are you?”

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