The Antidote To Anger - God's Living Words
Contributed by David Leach on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God’s “promises” concerning Anger
June 18, 1993
Dear Dave,
I really enjoyed the time you spent with me, your honesty was so refreshing, my only regret was that we didn't get to spend more time. You mentioned rage or extreme anger as a problem widely present among christian men - I agree I believe it is and have grappled with this problem extensively in my own life. But at the risk of sounding trite I have found the solution - yes, of course it is Jesus Christ, but perhaps not in the way religious tradition might teach - let me explain.
Anger or rage is, I believe, a spirit - a principality or power - it is not inherently part of our nature - we have a new nature, the nature of Christ. How then do we come under the influence of this spirit? Well, without the proper defense when we encounter a circumstance that is disappointing, frustrating, confusing, opposing or just flat wrong, we are instantly vulnerable to receiving an anger thought from that spirit. If we, as we all have done, "take" that anger thought down on the inside of us and think on it even for a little while - and do not bring it into captivity - we become immediately under it's influence. The result is we lose all control and the anger, quickly followed by rage, manifests itself through us.
What's the answer then? The answer is the Living Word of God . . . which effectually (mightily) works also in you who believe. (1 Thes 2:13). God's words when received in the inner man change the man. An anti-anger scripture that resides in the spirit of a man is all that is necessary to quench the fiery thoughts of the anger\rage spirit.
The Bible contains many anti-anger scriptures, attached is a printout of a few. Now these may seem like commandments but when you've come to that place in your walk with Christ of recognizing that we don't have a hope of complying with any of His commandments without He Himself working them in us (For it is God that works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure) - then as Andrew Murray says we now begin to see each commandment not as a rule rather as a promise of what God desires to work in us.
The key then is to expect God by His Spirit to breathe life into one of these anti-anger scriptures, or in other words let Him speak directly to you through one (or more) of them - such that you know positively that He has given that scripture to you. Then eat it, I mean think on it meditate on it to the point where you know without doubt the words are in your heart. Once the word is in your heart it will grow of its own accord, you will not know how - but it will and with it will come a growing and newfound strength to defer anger, to overlook a transgression, to rule the spirit and to bridle the tongue.
I had the privilege of sharing some of this with a brother in Christ who for years was dominated by anger. Over a period of a few weeks God's words which are His nature, set him free and he has remained free for the first time he can ever remember. Yea Jesus.
It has been on my heart now for sometime to share these thoughts with you I have great joy now that I have. God bless you brother
The Antidote to Anger - God's living Words
It matters how we approach the Bible – it is not the law
I Thes 2:13 ... You received the word of God . . . not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which mightily works also in you that believe.
Heb. 7:16 … Not after the law of a carnal commandment…
2 Pet. 1:4 … (there) have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises
(God’s words), that through these you might be partakers of the divine (God’s) nature …
2 Cor. 3:6 … not of the letter but of the Spirit … for the Spirit (the breath of God) gives life (to the letter – the word of God)
Jer 15:16 Your words were found (O Lord) and I ate them ..
Eze. 36:27 (God says) And I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to … keep my judgments (words) …
God’s “promises” concerning Anger
Psa 37:8 (We eat these words) Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: do not fret (get heated) it only causes harm.
Pro 19:11 (Then we shall have) The discretion (wisdom – the Christ in him) of a man (who) defers his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.