
Summary: We are all curious about death .... We are all curious about what happens after we die.Golfer Paul Azinger shared " I'm not saying that nothing ever bothers me and I don't have problems, but I feel like I have found the answer to ..... the six-foot ho

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For those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are four Scripture Readings before the Sermon. The Scripture Readings for this day were: Ruth 3:1-5;4:13-17; Psalm 127; Hebrews 9:24-28 and Mark 12:28-34.

A book of children's letters to God........ contain these entries:

Dear God,...... what is it like when a person dies?....... Nobody will tell me. ......I just want to know, ....... I do not want to do it. Signed,..... Your Friend, Mike.

Another youngster,..... Jane, has this suggestion for the Lord, ....."Dear God,..... Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, .....why don't you keep the ones got now?"

Actor and director Woody Allen...... voiced the same sentiments when he said,...... "I am not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens."

We are all curious about death .... We are all curious about what happens..... after we die. (Pause)

And it is not just intellectual matter.

The topic of death is ..... a matter of the heart.

We know,.... like it or not,...... that death...... is part of our future. (Pause)

Paul Azinger learned this...... the hard way.

Professional golfer Paul Azinger....... was diagnosed with cancer .... the age 33

He had just won the PGA Championship ......and had 10 tournament victories...... to his credit.

He wrote these words, ........ "A genuine feeling of fear came over me. I could die from cancer. Then another reality hit me ..... even harder. I am going to die eventually anyway, ...... whether from cancer .....or something else.

It is just a question..... of when."

Before this diagnosis, ...... Azinger lived for golf. ...... But No more.

One day shortly after his diagnosis, ....... Azinger remember some words...... he had once heard a Bible study.

"We are not in the land of the living .....going to the land of the dying,..... "The teacher had said,...... "We are in the land of the dying ..... trying to get to the land of the living." (Pause)

That reality led him..... to a living hope...... through faith in Jesus Christ.

Golfer Paul Azinger recovered .....and returned to the PGA tour.

But the bout with cancer changed ......his life perspective.

He would later write,......... "I have learned that the only way to true contentment ..... is in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. .......I am not saying .....that nothing ever bothers me..... and I do not have problems,..... but I feel like I have found the answer to ..... the six-foot hole." (Long Pause)

Beloved..... The most important lessons in life .....are wrapped-up in three short statements:

Life is short...... Death is certain. .....Eternity is forever. REPEAT

So.....Where do we go for information about..... life, ..... death, ....... and eternity?

Who better help you plan for your future ...... than someone .....who has already been there?

Who better to take you into eternity...... than someone who holds the keys...... to life and death? (Pause)

Three friends were discussing death...... and one asked the group:...... "What would you like people to say about you your funeral?"

The first one responded,..... "I would like them to say ....He was a great humanitarian, ....who cared about his community.

The friend who initiated the conversation replied...... "I would like them to say..... He was a great husband and father, ......who was an example..... for many to follow.

They nodded in agreement .....and looked to the third .....who had been silent.

Without hesitation..... the third man concluded, ........ "I would like them to say ..... Look, he's moving! (Pause)

Our text in Hebrews states this truth......: BIBLE "It is appointed for mortals to die once!" END

Death...... is a part of life.

Sadly some are convinced..... that death is all there is....... That Death is the end .....of existence.

Note the verse again....... BIBLE "Just as it is appointed for mortals to die once, .....and after that the judgment." END

Death is not an end in itself........ For after death...... there is a judgment. Hebrews 9:27 (Pause)

An elderly lady was riding on a crowded bus.

She was quietly reading her Bible ..... when a rather distinguished looking man..... took the seat .....beside her.

After a while..... he noticed what she was reading.

He introduced himself....... "Hello, I am Professor Smith.

I teach philosophy..... at the university......

Do not tell me actually believe that stuff are reading?"

"I certainly do," the elderly lady replied. ........"Every word of it."

"Even that story about the Jonah," .....challenged the professor ......with a smirk.

"Of course," .....was the quick reply.

"Can you prove to me that the story is true?"..... he asked next.

Knowing..... she was not about to win any arguments with the professor,...... she simply said, ......"Well, when I get to Heaven,..... I will ask Jonah."

The professor smiled, ......"Well, what if Jonahs .....not in Heaven?"

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