
Summary: Understanding the UNIQUE role of the ministry gift to the body of christ


Eph. 4:11ff

Bishop David Ibeleme

The Anointing

 Divine Enablement

 Supernatural Empowerment

 The Power or Might of God

There are two (2) distinct types:

 Within (character)

 Upon (charisma)

There are three (3) types of upon:

 Upon all believers generally – Acts 1; 8; 10.

 Upon ministry gifts – Eph. 4:11; 1 Cor. 12:28ff.

 Specialized anointings – Acts 8; 1 Cor. 12:6.

 Ministry Gifts have an anointing which is not available to other believers – 1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:8-11

 The expression “some” is different from all.

 Not all believers have been called or set by God as Ministry Gifts to the body of Christ.

 While all believers are equal with respect to importance, they are not with respect to labour – 1 Cor. 15:10; 1 Thess. 5:12-13; 1 Tim. 5:17-18

 Ministry Gifts have more “labour” than other believers.

 Paul said “I laboured more abundantly than them all...” – 1 Cor. 15:10.

 Them which labour and are over you…esteem them very highly in love for their works (Labour) sake – 1 Thess. 5:12ff.

 Elders that rule well… who labour in word and doctrine – 1 Tim. 5:17-18.

 Ministry Gifts have a special role that no other believer can fill.

 Moses and Aaron are types of ministry gifts – Num. 16 & 17

 Angels of the churches – Rev. 2/3

 They’ve been given the rule or charge over other believers – Acts 20:28; Heb. 13:17.

 Giving account of believers under them – Heb. 13:12

 While all believers represent Jesus on the Earth (2 Cor. 5:17-20), Ministry Gifts represent Him in a way no other believer can – Matt. 16:18

 I will build my church – “I”  Ministry Gift

 They represent the “Head” of the church in His headship role – Jn. 21:20ff

 They represent Jesus’ High Priestly office.

 They represent the Word – Jn. 1:14, hence – Is. 44:24ff.

 We (Ministry Gifts) are the “Word” made flesh – hence our lifestyle/doctrine has to be above board – 2 Thess. 3:7

The anointing is the major distinguishing factor for Ministry Gifts – Zech. 4:6.

 They are God’s anointed ones – Ps. 105:15; Num. 12:1ff.

 They are anointed to equip and perfect the saints – Eph. 4:11-13; 1 & 2 Tim. 1.

 They are anointed to govern or rule the saints – 1 Thess. 5:11ff; Hebs. 13:7&13.

As a Ministry Gift, To benefit from the Anointing upon you, you must:

 Recognizing the extent and potential of the anointing upon you – Is. 40:12ff.

 Ask yourself what can the anointing do? – Is. 61:1-3; Is. 10:27.

 Ministry Gifts are instruments of God’s vengeance against the works of darkness.

 Accept and appreciate the anointing upon you – Phil. 6; Eph. 1:6ff.

 Avoid lusts of other things:

 Intimidation (sin consciousness)

 Pride (self-righteousness)

 Verbalize the anointing upon you – Lk. 4:18ff; Prov. 18:21.

 The spirit world responds to sound more than it does sight.

 Once you have seen it you must say it for it to be seen.

 Until people receive you, they cannot receive from you – Tit. 1:1-2.

 Release the Benediction upon the people

 Pronouncing blessings upon God’s people – Num. 6:22-27.

 Realise that you are God’s agent to bless His – Is. 44:24ff.

 Expect nothing but success

Make no excuses for failure – Lk. 7:20ff.

 Jesus at Lazarus’ tomb – Jn. 11:41.

 Peter/John at the gate called Beautiful – Acts 3.

 Paul in Lystra – Acts 14.

 Elijah – 1 Kg. 17/18.

Copyright © 2003 by Rev. Dr. David Ibeleme

Victorious Faith Ministries, P.O. Box 4378, St. Ann’s, Trinidad. W.I.

(868) 625-6863 / 623-1020 (fax)


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