The Anointing Breaks The Yoke Series
Contributed by Rev. Samuel Arimoro on Feb 14, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: The anointing is a powerful force that not only empowers us but also destroys the yokes that seek to hold us captive. Whether it is the yoke of sin, oppression, fear, or demonic influence, the anointing has the power to break it.
By Rev. Samuel Arimoro
Main Text: Isaiah 10:27
Supporting Texts: 1 John 2:20, Luke 4:18, Acts 10:38, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22
The anointing is a powerful force in the life of a believer. It is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit that equips, empowers, and enables us to break free from the yokes and burdens of the enemy. In Isaiah 10:27, God declares that the anointing breaks the yoke, which signifies freedom from bondage, oppression, and any form of limitation. In this sermon, we will explore the truth that the anointing is not just a tool for empowerment but also a powerful weapon for deliverance.
a) What is a Yoke?
A yoke represents bondage, oppression, or control, often used to describe the heavy burden of sin, illness, and demonic influence in one’s life.
b) The Yoke of Sin
Sin is one of the most significant yokes that holds people captive. It brings guilt, shame, and separation from God, leading to spiritual death.
c) The Yoke of Oppression
Oppression, whether mental, emotional, or physical, can weigh a person down, preventing them from walking in their God-given potential.
d) The Yoke of Demonic Influence
Demonic forces can attach themselves to individuals, families, or communities, hindering progress and creating spiritual stagnation.
e) Biblical Example: The Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 2:23-25)
The Israelites were under the oppressive yoke of slavery in Egypt. Their cries reached God, who raised Moses to break the yoke and set them free.
a) The Power to Destroy Yokes
The anointing is not just for empowerment; it is specifically designed to destroy the yokes of oppression, sin, and demonic strongholds.
b) Healing and Deliverance
The anointing brings healing to the brokenhearted, delivers those in bondage, and sets captives free from every form of oppression.
c) Restoration to Wholeness
Through the anointing, God restores what has been lost due to sin, generational curses, or any form of captivity, bringing freedom and peace.
d) Breaking Strongholds
The anointing destroys strongholds that keep people bound, whether it is addiction, fear, or ancestral curses.
e) Biblical Example: Jesus’ Ministry (Luke 4:18)
Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaimed that He came to heal the brokenhearted, deliver captives, and set at liberty those who are oppressed. The anointing upon Him broke the yokes of sin and oppression.
a) Using the Anointing in Prayer
Believers can tap into the power of the anointing through prayer, speaking to the mountains and yokes in their lives with authority.
b) Declaring Freedom Over Every Yoke
When we declare the word of God over situations, the anointing works to break every yoke and bring deliverance.
c) Walking in Faith and Authority
Walking in the authority of the Holy Spirit allows believers to enforce the victory of Christ over every demonic attack or spiritual oppression.
d) Impartation of the Anointing
The anointing can be imparted to others, setting them free from spiritual burdens and leading them into the fullness of God’s plans for their lives.
e) Biblical Example: The Apostles (Acts 10:38)
The apostles went about healing the sick, casting out demons, and breaking yokes, as they were anointed by the Holy Spirit to do so.
a) Consecration and Purity
To operate in the fullness of the anointing, one must live a life of consecration, purity, and holiness, allowing the Spirit of God to move freely in their life.
b) Persistent Prayer and Fasting
The anointing is strengthened through persistent prayer and fasting. It is in these times of seeking God that yokes are destroyed, and burdens are lifted.
c) Obedience to God’s Voice
The anointing works through obedience. As we listen and obey God’s voice, we activate His power to break the yoke in our lives.
d) Expecting Supernatural Intervention
Believers must expect the anointing to work mightily in their lives, believing that nothing is impossible with God.
e) Biblical Example: Elijah on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:36-39)
Elijah called on God, and the anointing came upon him in a mighty way to break the stronghold of Baal worship and bring revival to Israel.
a) Freedom in Christ
When the yoke is broken, believers experience true freedom in Christ, walking in the liberty of the Holy Spirit.
b) Restored Relationships
Yokes can manifest in broken relationships, but when the anointing destroys them, relationships are healed and restored.
c) Spiritual Growth and Fruitfulness
Breaking the yoke allows believers to grow spiritually and bear fruit, fulfilling God’s purposes in their lives.
d) Increased Dominion and Authority
As the yoke is broken, believers walk in greater dominion and authority over the powers of darkness, manifesting the kingdom of God on earth.