
Summary: The announcement to Mary of the birth of Jesus

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The announcement

Luke 1:26-38

Intro- Last week we talked of John the Baptist – today the announcement to Mary. Unfortunately very little information about Mary is given in the Bible. However, what is said is enough to give us an insight into her willingness to submit to God’s will not matter what the world may think. Submissiveness is a word the world hates to hear, yet it is what we need more of in the Christian community –believers to submit to God’s will and not our own. Let us begin.

God sent an angel Gabriel to a little town called Nazareth. It was a little town and it was bordered by heathen nations so it was sometimes called Galilee of the Gentiles. It was considered a despised town and inferior to the rest of Israel. The people were a conquered people and they were despised by both the Romans and the Israelites alike – the city was the object of prejudice form both sides. And yet as God is no respecter of persons, it was in this little town, this obscure place he sends His messenger to tell great news to one young girl.

It is important for us to note here that we know the story so it is an easy read for us but imagine if you will how this young lady must have felt at this time and in this place. She is a virgin never touched immorally by a man for she was not yet married (what a strange concept in today’s society). This is unmistaken and clearly stated. Some would argue that the word virgin here just means young I strongly disagree. She was as they saw as pure as the driven snow and this is important for us.

In looking at the virgin birth of Jesus, one must look honestly and deeply at the question why this way? Why through a virgin birth? Well the birth of Christ, Jesus, required a miracle. If he had been born in the natural process as any other man he would have been like any other man. Being born this way signifies that He was no mere man! But not so with Jesus he already existed –God could have chosen another way all He needed was a body. As Jesus himself said in Hebrews a body though has prepared for me 10:5.

If Jesus had not come through the womb of a woman he would not have been able to feel pain to feel suffering. Understand this, as God Jesus could never know hunger, as a man he could remember he cursed the fig tree for having no fruit. As God Jesus could never be thirsty but as a man on the cross He cried out I thirst!!

As God, He could never know loneliness for the angels worshipped 24/7 yet as a man he was alone rejected by his own.

There had to be a virgin birth so the blood line of sin from Adam would not be passed down to Him. He was the perfect sacrifice and if God creates 100, 1000 or 1,000,000 more Worlds after this one there will never be the need for another sacrifice Jesus has already paid the debt!

But back to Mary- she was highly favored by God. it is interesting That Gabriel did not tell Mary at first how she was favored by God- that came later on in the conversation to give her time to adjust to the shock of talking to an angel!

Just think for a moment we are all favored by God- for He is no respecter of persons – O how He loves you and me!! He loves us so much that he left heaven to enter into a sinful world that we might leave this sinful world and go to heaven!

Now, Mary was highly favored and blessed but she was also human so you know she was scared – and apparently stricken with a little bit of fear for the angel had to tell her fear not! The fear was understandable standing in front of an angelic being from the Lord and she was troubled at his saying. Reminds me a little bit of Gideon who was called a great warrior and yet he was hiding in the wine press threshing out the wheat!

She was trouble for she remember the psalmist who said who am I O Lord?

Then she received the news how she was favored by God. She was to be the mother of the Messiah and was told 3 things by the angel

1) His name shall be Jesus

2) He would be the Son of Highest (God)

3) His kingdom would be eternal

She was expected to believe the miraculous but she was puzzled. She was not doubting or distrusting the message, just a bit confused. She did not ask for a sign like Zacharias did last week- she simply wanted more information. She was single had never been with a man and well she knew biology it takes two to tangle! How can this be? You see society often forgets there is more than 1 person involved when it comes to unwed mothers. We tend to look down on the girls forgetting that there is a guy involved too!

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