
Summary: This sermon explores about a crucial truth that is sometimes misunderstood. The truth is: God will not simply drop money into your lap, but He gives you the ability to have it.

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A man was talking to God and asked, “Lord, is it true that to You, a thousand years is like one second?”

God replied, “Yes, that’s true.”

Then the man asked, “And is it also true that a million dollars is like one penny to You?”

God said, “Yes, that’s true too.”

So, the man thought for a moment and then asked, “Well, Lord, could I have a penny?”

God smiled and replied, “Sure, just wait a second.”

Today, I want to speak to you about a crucial truth that is sometimes misunderstood. The truth is that God will not simply drop money into your lap, but He has given you the ability to produce wealth.

This message comes straight from the heart of Scripture, and it’s something we all need to understand as we navigate the financial aspects of our lives.

Many people, especially in our world today, have a mistaken view of how God’s blessings work. They might think that if they pray hard enough, God will just give them money.

But if you study the Bible, you’ll see that God’s provision often comes in the form of opportunities, ideas, and abilities rather than instant material wealth.

Scripture Reference:

Let’s turn our attention to Deuteronomy 8:18, which says: “But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”

The verse is part of Moses’ speech to the Israelites as they were preparing to enter the Promised Land.

It serves as a reminder to the people of Israel that their success in the new land would not be by their strength alone, but by the ability that God had given them.

This is a timeless truth that applies to us today.

1. The Source of Wealth:

The first point to understand is that God is the source of all wealth.

The world might tell you that wealth comes from hard work, clever investments, or sometimes even from luck.

But as believers, we know that everything we have is a gift from God. James 1:17 reminds us that "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

It’s important to realize that wealth itself is not evil.

The Bible doesn’t condemn wealth, but it does warn against the love of money. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”

Money, in itself, is a tool. It’s the attitude of the heart that matters most.

When we acknowledge God as the source of our wealth, it changes how we view our finances.

We begin to see our money as a means to bless others, to further God’s kingdom, and to fulfill His purposes in our lives.

2. The Ability to Produce Wealth:

Now, while God is the source, He doesn’t usually just hand out wealth directly. Instead, He gives us the ability to produce it.

This ability comes in various forms:

- Talents and Skills: Each of us has been uniquely gifted by God with talents and skills.

Some of you are gifted in business, others in creativity, others in teaching, and so on.

These talents are not just for your personal satisfaction; they are tools given by God to help you produce wealth.

- Ideas and Innovation: God can inspire you with ideas that can lead to wealth creation.

Many successful businesses have started from a God-given idea that was nurtured and developed.

- Opportunities: Sometimes, God will place opportunities in your path that, if recognized and seized, can lead to financial increase.

But you need to be attentive and ready to act when those opportunities arise.

- Wisdom and Guidance: God grants wisdom to manage resources effectively.

Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

This wisdom is essential in making sound financial decisions.

3. The Responsibility of Wealth:

The ability to produce wealth comes responsibility.

God’s blessings are never meant to stop with us; they are meant to flow through us. We are blessed to be a blessing.

When you produce wealth, remember that God has entrusted you with resources to be used for His glory.

It may mean supporting your local church, helping those in need, investing in missions, or being generous to others.

Jesus said in Luke 12:48, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

We are stewards of God’s resources. And it is our responsibility to handle our wealth wisely. It includes budgeting, saving, and giving.

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