
Summary: THE 4 POINTS: #4: I Need to Make a Choice. Story: Thomas & the Resurrection - John chapter 20 verses 24-29 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

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(1). Thomas the absentee (vs 19 & 24).

(2). Thomas the cynic (vs 25a).

(3). Thomas the confessor (vs 26-28).



• Some people are household names:

• You know who they are, and what they do or are famous for.

• e.g. Ronaldo - Football

• e.g. Picasso - Painting & Art.

• e.g. Einstein - Science.

• e.g. Shakespear – Playwright.

• e.g. Morcombe & Wise - Comedians.

What is true in the secular world is mirrored in the Bible:

• e.g. Joseph & his Coat.

• e.g. Jonah & Whale (?)

• e.g. Samson & Haircuts.

• e.g. Eve & Apple (?)

• e.g. Noah & Ark.

• e.g. Gideon & Fleece.

Some people in the Bible are linked to occupations:

• e.g. Peter the Fisherman,

• e.g. Zacchaeus the Tax Collector.

• e.g. Rahab the Harlot,

• e.g. Luke the Doctor.

• e.g. Lydia the seller of purple.

Some people in the Bible are linked to a particular nickname:

• e.g. John the baptiser.

• e.g. Judas the betrayer.

• e.g. John the beloved.

• e.g. Peter the rock.

• e.g. Stephen the Martyr.


• In our Bible talk this morning, involves a man linked to a nickname.

• Throughout Church history he has been known as ‘Doubting Thomas!’

(We first meet him as…)



• The New Testament DOES NOT call him the doubter.

• Church history might call him that!

• But the New Testament identifies him in a variety of ways,

• e.g. He is called ‘Thomas the disciple” and also “An apostle.’

• (Matthew chapter 10 verse 3; Mark chapter 3 verse 18; Luke chapter 6 verse 15).)

• A disciple is a follower or learner,

• While an apostle is a messenger who is sent off to accomplish something1

• e.g. He is also called, ‘Didymus.’

• (John chapter 11 verse 16 & chapter 20 verse 24)

• Didymus (??d?µ??, ??, ?) means “twin.” in Greek.

• Thomas (Ta’om) means “twin.” in Hebrew.

• The New Testament does not give us the name of Thomas’s twin.

• We don’t even know if he had a twin brother or sister.

• Yet, throughout Church history he is known as ‘Doubting Thomas’.

• Because when he heard the news Jesus was alive,

• He did not believe! That was his big mistake!


• One wit has written:

• "A dentist's mistake is pulled out,

• A lawyer's mistake is imprisoned.

• A teacher's mistake is failed,

• A printer's mistake is corrected.

• A pharmacist's mistake is buried.

• A postman's mistake is forwarded.

• An electrician's mistake could be shocking!"


• Thomas makes one mistake that we know of, and he is never allowed to forget it!

• When he heard the news from the other disciples that Jesus was alive,

• He refused to believe it!

• He was a realist, he knew that ‘when you are dead you are dead!’

• And he had seen Jesus nailed to a cross,

• And nobody in history ever survived a Roman Crucifixion!

(1). THOMAS THE ABSENTEE (Vs 19 & 24):

“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked in fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!””

“Now Thomas (also known as Didymus, one of the Twelve,

WAS NOT WITH the disciples when Jesus came.”


• One cold winter's day a crowd of people stood in front of a pet shop window,

• And they all were watching a litter of puppies snuggling up to each other.

• One person laughed and said,

• “What a great example of how to be caring for each other!

• Look at how those puppies are keeping each other warm!”

• The person next to him replied,

• “They're not keeping each other warm they're keeping themselves warm."

• TRANSITION: well, those puppies might have been looking out for number one,

• But as Christians we are called to look out for each other.

• The disciples are all huddled together in an upper room,

• Trying to figure out what to do now Jesus was no longer with them!

• Well, not all! There is one exception, one person missing!

Thomas was not in the room!

• We are not told why Thomas was absent from the other disciples,

• But we do know that his absence was costly.

• He missed out on the most incredible experience in history,

• He missed out on seeing the risen Christ.

• Remember this event would change the world forever!

• i.e. In the Western world he split time i.e. BC & AD.

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