
Summary: God’s track record is perfect. He never fails, He restores, and He heals. When you understand that the same God who worked miracles in the past is still working today, your faith will rise to new levels.

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By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 17:37 – “David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.”

Supporting Texts: Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Isaiah 43:2, Psalm 46:1


God’s faithfulness is consistent throughout history. What He did before, He is still able to do today. Many times, people forget past victories and focus only on present challenges, but the same God who delivered, provided, and made a way before is still at work. The testimony of David reminds us that our confidence should not be in circumstances but in the unchanging power of God.

This message brings a fresh perspective on the theme "That Same God." It is not just about remembering what God did in the past but also about positioning ourselves to experience His faithfulness in our lives today. Our journey of faith is sustained by trusting in the consistency of God's character. As we explore this further, may your faith be strengthened to believe that what God has done before, He will do again for you.


God is incapable of failure. No matter the situation, He remains victorious.

a) He Never Failed Noah

Noah trusted God’s warning about the flood, and despite the mockery of others, he built the ark. When the rain came, God preserved him and his family (Genesis 7:1). That same God will honour your obedience.

b) He Never Failed Joshua at Jericho

The walls of Jericho seemed impossible to conquer, but through divine instruction, Joshua and the Israelites saw a supernatural victory (Joshua 6:20). When you follow divine strategies, you will always win.

c) He Never Failed Ruth

Ruth, a Moabite woman, chose to follow the God of Israel despite her uncertain future. God rewarded her faithfulness by making her an ancestor of Jesus (Ruth 4:13-17). Your faithfulness to God will not be in vain.

d) He Never Failed Peter in the Storm

When Peter began to sink while walking on water, Jesus immediately stretched out His hand to save him (Matthew 14:30-31). Even in moments of doubt, God will not let you fall.

e) Biblical Example: The Three Hebrew Boys (Daniel 3:24-25)

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to an idol and were thrown into the fire, but God was with them in the flames. That same God will stand with you in your trials.


God is a restorer of lost time, lost opportunities, and lost destinies.

a) He Restored Job’s Fortune

Job lost everything—his wealth, health, and children. But in the end, God restored double for all he had lost (Job 42:10). No matter what you have lost, restoration is coming.

b) He Restored Joseph’s Position

Joseph was betrayed, sold, and imprisoned. Yet, in one day, he moved from the prison to the palace as Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:41). That same God can change your story suddenly.

c) He Restored the Widow’s Son

The widow of Nain lost her only son, but when Jesus saw her, He had compassion and raised the boy back to life (Luke 7:14-15). What you thought was dead in your life will live again.

d) He Restored Peter After Failure

Peter denied Jesus three times, but Jesus restored him and gave him a great assignment (John 21:15-17). Even after mistakes, God’s plan for your life still stands.

e) Biblical Example: Naomi’s Bitterness Turned to Joy (Ruth 4:14-16)

Naomi lost her husband and sons and thought her life was over. But God gave her a new family through Ruth’s marriage to Boaz. Your latter days will be greater than your former.


God is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals. His power to heal is still active today.

a) He Healed the Woman with the Issue of Blood

After 12 years of suffering and spending all her money on doctors, she touched Jesus and was instantly healed (Mark 5:25-29). One touch from Jesus can change everything.

b) He Healed Naaman from Leprosy

Naaman, a great general, had an incurable disease, but after obeying the prophet’s instructions, he was completely healed (2 Kings 5:14). Obedience to God’s word brings healing.

c) He Healed the Blind Man at Bethsaida

Jesus led a blind man out of the village and restored his sight (Mark 8:23-25). Sometimes, God takes us away from familiar places to perform our miracle.

d) He Healed the Lame Man at the Beautiful Gate

Peter and John encountered a man who had been lame from birth. With just a word, he was healed and began to walk (Acts 3:6-8). God is still in the business of sudden miracles.

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