That Monumental Weekend
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Three Parts of the Gospel are crucial for all believers to understand.
1. Many of us look forward to the weekend....one reason I like to take Saturday off rather than Monday...I like weekends
2. But schedules can be tricky....
3. Easter celebrates the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ....it is also the culmination of the Gospel...
4. I Cor. 15:3-5 summarizes the Gospel....(read)
MAIN IDEA: Today, let me retell the Gospel story of the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior....
I. Christ Died for Our Sins
The theological emphasis is seen more in the epistles & OT, bit in
Gospels....but events are detailed there...
Christ was crucified between two thieves.....7 "sayings" (words) from the cross...
1. Father, forgive them for they know not....
2. To the repentant thief: "Today you will be with me in paradise..."
3. "Dear woman, here is your son..." to John, "Here is your mother."
4. "My God, My God, Why Have you Forsaken Me..."
5. I thirst...
6. It is finished "tetelesthai"
7. Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit...
II. He Was Buried....
1. Read John 19:38-42
2. The Jews asked for a guard & Roman seal...(guard 4 men)
3. Theological purpose: to "carry our sins far away."
III. He Rose Again...
1. Resurrection at first of dawn...
2. Earthquake, angel rolls stone away, guard freeze as dead....
3. Just then a group of women arrive to anoint his body...Mary
Magdalene returns to tell Peter and John...
4. The other women remain, seeing two angels (one of which speaks) declaring the resurrection....
5. Mary Magdalene returns to the tomb...sees two angels (thinks they are men) and then sees Jesus (thinks He’s the gardener)...Jesus first appearance....
6. Jesus meets the other women (Mary, mother of James, Salome,
Joanna & others) on their return to the city...
7. Peter and John find the tomb empty...
8. The guards report to chief priests who bribe them to say body stolen
9. Jesus seen by Peter...
10. Then seen by the two disciples on the way to Emmaus (Cleopas & wife?)
11. Jesus appears to the Ten (minus doubting Thomas)....
12. These were all the appearances recorded on Easter Day....He
appeared off and on for a period of 40 days....(same # as fasting)...on one occasion, to more than 500 at one time...TEN appearances recorded...
1. But why? Why a crucifixion, burial, resurrection?
2. Because of Who God is and Who we are; God is holy, we are sinners...