
Summary: The best way to evangelize is to tell your story. What you were before Christ, When you accepted Christ, and what Christ is now doing in your life.

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Telling your story

Titus 3:1-9

Here we are 2010. We talked last week about two things we need to do in 2010.

1. Forgive- not carry old baggage into the new year, disguised because we put them in a new bag.

2. Forget the past-

change only the things we can change.

Don’t dwell on the past failures.

Forgiving doesn’t mean forget. Because you don’t forget, does not mean that you have not forgiven. It just means that you must get past it.

Learn from your mistakes, but don’t keep reliving them.

We can only do that by what Christ has done, is doing, or what He will be doing in our lives.

If it were easy- we would have done it already.

If it was easy- it would not be a problem.

The book of Titus this morning will continue that thought of dependence of God.

So much so I am praying that it will spur you into action with those you come in contact with

Listen to military sayings we can apply to our lives:

1. Instructions on a US Rocket launcher- “Aim towards the enemy”

2. “When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not your friend”

3. “Don’t draw fire; it will irritate the people around you”

4. “Five second fuse lasts only 3 seconds”


Were not fighting the enemy, we are usually fighting each other.

Pull the pin on the grenade and we hold it, thinking we have 5 seconds and it lasts 3 seconds and we wonder why our life is a mess.

We have all been through a lot. We could take up a hour or better with people standing up and telling us the things God has done for us in our lives.

We all have a story to tell.

Those that know Christ as savior can recount times where the Lord has:

helped us, encourages us , protected us, supplied our needs, answered prayer, blessed us, gave us what we needed, and by grace, did not give us what we deserved.

Paul writing to Titus, could be talking to each one of us.

He tells us to be subject to the rulers and authorities (model citizens)

Be ready to do good, be kind and considerate, and be humble.

Why (v3)

“At one time we were foolish, disobedient, deceived, and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteousness things we had done, but because of his mercy.”

Each one of us has a story- each of us has something to say about our relationship with God.

Each of us needs to know our story. Be able to share it.

Most Christians cannot tell others what God has done.

Most Christians forget where they came from.

Most Christians do some of the following:

They disengage from unbelievers- they stop hanging with them.

They forget where they came from- and appear (They think) like they have never struggled with anything.

They don’t avoid foolish conversations, but that is what they like to engage in.

“Unprofitable and useless arguments and quarrels.”

Churches have split over useless quarrels that even the unsaved have thought foolish and stupid.

John 13:35

“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”

Matthew 22:37-40

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment and the second is like it; love your neighbors as yourselfs”

Preacher What does that have to do with Titus 3- everything

Love the Lord your God, Love your neighbors,

Be a representative of Christ where you live.

This message is really a one point message looked at in several ways.

We need to tell our story. What does God mean to you?

Most of us have come to Christ because of someone else that played a part in our lives.

Some personally, some by t.v., preachers.

There was a factor that caused us to stop going in the direction we were going and stop and turn around.


If someone could be changed if only you walked across the room, made a phone call, or made yourself available; would you do it?

First thing you thought- I wouldn’t know what to say.

I would, but I don’t know what to say.

It is not about technique and methods, it has everything to do with taking a genuine interest in someone else but you.

All you need is to venture out of your comfort zone and allow the Holy Spirit to direct and guide you.

Bill Hybels estimates that we walk about 115,000 miles in our lifetime. He says what if walking about 20 feet, 10 steps meant eternity to someone. Would you put away your pride, conquer being scared and impact the kingdom of God.

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