
Summary: The heart who knows it?

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The heart who knows it? This majestic work of God that can feel the pains of life, that can enjoy the joys of hope, the one area of your body that has the ability to express both love or hate, this heart was developed for the soul purpose of God’s plan, beloved we cannot forget that this heart of ours is commanded by God to do probably one of the most difficult things we don’t want to do at times of disappointment at times of travail at times of lost at times of betrayal and that is love, forgive, trust. Probably the most difficult truth in life is after a violation after a betrayal after an offense, to love is the last thing on our minds. Love is not even in our vocabulary, if we are honest. And so we come to this truth and that is love can only come from a heart that has understood and has been able to grasp the avenue of forgiveness. You might need God to give you a new heart. So I want you to do something, tell your heart to beat again.

This is a true story. A pastor in Ohio asked a member of his church, who was a surgeon, if he could be in the operating room to watch an open heart surgery. The doctor permitted him to observe. The physician began the surgery, removed the woman’s heart, repaired what was wrong, and placed it back into her chest. As he massaged her heart to get it going, it wouldn’t beat. He tried to start it using other procedures, but nothing worked. In an act of desperation, the surgeon knelt down beside his patient and said “Mrs. Johnson, this is your surgeon. The operation went perfectly and your heart has been repaired, but you need to tell your heart to beat again.” When he finished saying those words, immediately her heart began beating! Even though the surgeon did everything necessary to repair her heart, the patient needed to cooperate with him. By an act of her will, she had to start her own heart beating. This story inspired singer Randy Phillips to write the song, Tell Your Heart to Beat Again.

Maybe you’ve been rejected or you’ve lost a loved one—and your heart has stopped beating. Perhaps your spouse betrayed you and your heart no longer beats. You’ve lost hope and your will to live. Remember, God is the great physician who can repair your heart—but you have to tell your heart to beat again. You must tell your heart to love again. You must command your heart to hope again. No matter what tragedy you’ve been through, you can live again and you can move forward with your life again. Just tell your heart to beat again.

Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

1st Point “A heart of stone”

Beloved in life there are many things that are certain and that is offense will come, some offenses come in different forms from different people at different stages in life, the ones that come from the outside really don’t seem to have an impact as much as the ones from the inside and so we are left with the reality that we are not able to dodge or ignore offenses that will occur. The people of today’s world are driven by what they feel, the heart is deceitfully wicked who knows it and yet we are driven by this muscle that is deceptive and wicked. This heart will make you believe a lie if you were to submit to it. It speaks to you often and tells you many things, some good mostly bad, because for the most part a heart that is not totally surrendered to God is in danger of total depravity of the mercies of God.

Romans 1:24

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:

Before man there stands an open choice; and it has to be so. Without choice there can be no goodness and without choice there can be no love. A persuaded goodness is not real goodness; and a persuaded love is not love at all. If men deliberately choose to turn their backs on God after he has sent his Son Jesus Christ into the world, not even he can do anything about it. When Paul speaks of God abandoning men to uncleanness, its main note is not condemnation and judgment, but wistful, sorrowful regret. It describes exactly the feeling of the father when he saw his son turn his back on his home and go out to the far country.

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