Tell Them I Am Has Sent Me To You
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There are times when we hesitate to do God’s will because of feelings of inadequacy. Moses felt so inadequate to lead the children of Israel that he offered several excuses to God, but found God to be His adequacy. A right concept of God is essential to s
Tell Them I AM Has Sent Me to You (Ex. 3:13,14)
There are times when we hesitate to do God’s will because of feelings of inadequacy. Moses felt so inadequate to lead the children of Israel that he offered several excuses to God, but found God to be His adequacy. A right concept of God is essential to serving the Lord with power, purpose and proper perspective.
God not only reminded Moses of His covenantly promise to Abraham, but used the name I AM to teach him about his unchanging and need meeting nature. Let us look at several aspects of God’s nature to enhance our sense of power, purpose and perspective:
1. The great I AM teaches us about GOD’S SELF-EXISTENCE - We can praise God for His pre-existence before time. "In the beginning, God." (Gen 1:1) God is the great I AM meaning that from His vocabulary there is no past, nor future no was nor will be about Him, but only the now since He is. No one created God so He is not beholding to anyone else.
He is above all, before all and greater than all. Thank God for His eternality that transcends all of time, people and events. He is greater than all history, present circumstances or future oppositionary powers because He always has been the eternally existing God. Let us teach, preach and serve a God who has no beginning nor end. Ask God to give you more of His eternal perspective, power and peace today.
2. The great I AM teaches us about GOD’S COMPLETENESS - Moses had to learn that whenever we are feeling inadequate, God is totally sufficient, complete and adequate for all our needs. He completes whatever we are lacking in may it be courage, wisdom or ability, He is our great I AM. He gives us the authority to do things that are far beyond the ability of human beings because He supernaturally enables us with His Spirit. Paul wrote, "Not that we are adequate to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God who also made us adequate as servants of the new covenant. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." (2 Cor. 3:5,6)
3. The great I AM teaches us about GOD’S SUPPLY. God is the purveyor of every good and perfect gift. He is the only one who always supplies without adding any sorrow.
Moses doubted if He had the wherewithal to teach, lead and govern the people of Israel, but the great I AM assured him of availability of total resources. As New Testament believers we count on the promise, "My God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:19) We also find our supply in the promise, "He who spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all. Will He not also with Him freely give us ALL THINGS." (Rom. 8:32) We can be assured that whatever material, mental, emotional, financial, relational, academic, or physical need we might have, He is able to supply it.
Quote: Hudson Taylor, the famous founder of the China Inland mission said, "God’s will done in God’s way will not lack God’s support."
4. The great I AM teaches us about GOD’S PROMISES. When God told Moses, Tell them I AM has sent you," He provided a sort of blank check. In other words, whatever need you might have, I AM will provide. Find strength for your weakness, find solutions for your problems, find deliverance for your difficulties, find peace for your stress, find relief from your pain, find victory from your defeat, find ability for your inabilities. God gives us this great I AM to live in our soul, in the person of the HOly Spirit so He can fill us with whatever we need, at any time and in any situation, if we will trust Him, ask Him and look to His word for the solutions to our problems.
5. The great I AM teaches us about GOD’S HOLINESS. The great I AM is perfect, pure and completely worthy of reverence. Peter wrote, "Be holy as I am holy." (I Pet 1:15)
It is not enough to just look to the Lord to meet our needs, but recognize that we please Him most when we are holy, above reproach and blameless in all aspects of life. We learn more about the spiritual excellence of the God when we recognize that He always has been holy and not one person, problem or event has caused him to lose even 1% of His holiness. His holiness is the center of His being as everything emanates from His holy standards of righteousness, truth and purity. Let us purge ourselves from an unclean conscience so we may serve Him with purity, holiness and truth.