
Summary: It is only by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony the men and women chosen by God are able to be victorious over Lucifer. For the men and women chosen by God, the power of God is within our testimony about God.

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In our capitalistic society, a profitable organization focuses mainly on building and maintaining its customer base. The customer base is the group of people who repeatedly purchase the goods or services of a business and are a main source of revenue for the company. Within a capitalistic business organization, customer retention is the activity of reducing the number of customers going to the competition. Successful customer base building and retention starts with the first contact an organization has with the customer and continues throughout the entire lifetime of the relationship. Accordingly, a capitalistic business organization’s ability to build as well as retain its customer base directly impacts its profitability.

Just like with our capitalistic enterprises and its customers; our religious community focuses mainly on building and maintaining each person reached and brought into the fold. Just like within a capitalistic business organization, successful membership building and retention by our religious buildings, ministries, and societies starts with the first contact with the person and continues throughout the entire lifetime of that relationship. Because our religious edifices, monuments, and temples morphed into capitalistic religious businesses and organizations; these returning converts are currently viewed only as a main source of revenue for the administrative personnel of our religious facilities and societies.

Once more, a capitalistic business organization’s ability to build and retain its customers directly impacts its profitability. Additionally, the accepted ideology of our religious society is now capitalism. As a result of the calling from the God of Abraham, many of our leaders, ministers, pastors, preachers, and teachers righteously bring the unsaved into their particular folds within our religious community. As a result of the message from God, scores of God’s children enter our sacred spiritual schoolhouses and universities of God seeking the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom needed to mature in their life walk with the God of Abraham. Yet, as the result of our capitalistic ideology, the children God placed under our care are often taught only to return to a seat in the church building’s auditoriums, believe in their church building's leaders, and follow the way of the church organization. As a result of this root of evil’s infiltration of the walls of our denominational and non-denominational sheep pens; it has become more desirable for the shepherds to feed upon than to feed the sheep of God.

Yes, in our capitalistic religious organizations, it is necessary to teach that a building made by the hands of man is the place where the Spirit of God dwells. Yes, through our capitalistic religious mentality; it is beneficial to teach the children of God to bring the tithes of God to a church building. Yes, from our capitalistic religious reasoning, it is recommended to preach only what the people wants to hear in order to keep them coming back for more. This is an acceptable practice because our capitalist religious organizations must keep the people returning in order to compensate the pastor, the staff, and maintain the church building. As a result of this capitalistic mutation within the midst of our religious community, many shepherds are misleading and malnourishing the flocks of God. As a result of this capitalistic abomination within the mist of the church of God, it is deemed profitable to feed God’s children only the milk of the gospel and the formula of men. As the result of our love for money, it is deemed more profitable to retard the spiritual growth of God’s children in order to keep the seats within our capitalist religious arenas occupied.

More importantly, mankind's soul and worship are just as important to Lucifer as they are to the God of Abraham. Just as God chose men and women to spread the gospel of Christ in order that the children of God can grow, mature, and be strengthened, Lucifer has dispatch his workers into the harvest fields as well. Therefore, every child of God must understand a few things before choosing who to spiritually listen to for guidance, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, or placing our physical butt and financial contributions into any church building, ministry, religious organization, or religiously talented person. A person cannot describe God to someone because no one has seen God. A person cannot master traveling upon the road to heaven because no one has traveled upon that road and returned to dispatch the story. A person cannot truly assist someone in despair if the person helping never experienced despair. A person cannot teach someone about trusting God to provide when the person teaching never trusted God to provide for them. An inexperienced person cannot testify about the power of God. They can only proclaim a well-practiced inspirational story.

Therefore; inside the household of God, the primary purpose of the body of Christ is not to proclaim a well-practiced inspirational story. Inside the household of God, the primary purpose of the church of God is not to construct huge structures to warehouse the children of God. The main purpose of the church of God, which is the body of Christ, is to build up the kingdom of God. The church of God accomplishes this task by introducing the unsaved to the body of Christ. Afterwards, the church of God’s task becomes helping the new converts maintain and mature in their relationship with the God of Abraham while schooling them about the ways of Christ. However, the Holy Spirit of God does the actual equipping, teaching, and retention of these converts. The Apostle Paul writes “Now the one who makes us and you as well secure in union with the Messiah and has anointed us is God, who has placed his seal on us and has given us the Spirit in our hearts as a down payment.” Once the church of God brings the new converts inside the household of God, God anoints them with the Spirit of God. During the converts stay inside the household of God, God places His seal or stamp of approval upon their life walk. The down payment and the seal is the brand name of and make each child of God part of the Household of God.

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