
Summary: Taste and know the goodness of the Lord

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Greetings and blessings in the name of Jesus Christ,

How wonderful it is to come together under the banner of the name of Jesus

Christ. Today while I was praying the Lord laid it upon my heart to begin

writing this message to you. It is not by power or might that this message

is brought but rather by the work of the Spirit within me so that through

me-He may channel His grace and mercy so as to equip you to serve Him.

Exodus 33:19, "And He said, "I Myself will make all My goodness pass

before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and I will

be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I

will show compassion."

Psalm 23:6, "Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the

days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

Psalm 25:7, "Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions;

According to Your lovingkindness remember me, For Your goodness’ sake, O


Psalm 27:13, "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would

see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living."

Isaiah 63:7, "I shall make mention of the lovingkindnesses of the LORD,

the praises of the LORD, According to all that the LORD has granted us,

And the great goodness toward the house of Israel, Which He has granted

them according to His compassion And according to the abundance of His


Jer 31:4, ""I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, And My

people will be satisfied with My goodness," declares the LORD."

Hosea 3:5, "Afterward the sons of Israel will return and seek the LORD

their God and David their king; and they will come trembling to the LORD

and to His goodness in the last days."

Psalm 33:5, "5 He loves righteousness and justice;

The earth is full of the goodness of the LORD."

Jer 31:12, "Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion,

Streaming to the goodness of the LORD-- For wheat and new wine and oil,

For the young of the flock and the herd; Their souls shall be like a

well-watered garden, And they shall sorrow no more at all. "

Jer 31:14 - [ In Context | Read Chapter | Discuss this Verse ]

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I will satiate the soul of the priests with abundance, And My people shall

be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD."

The Lord is deeply troubled by many things that are going on

in our culture and world today. He is troubled by the sick,

the hurting and the broken going untended to. He is troubled

by the many ministers who go around burning themselves out. We

are a people addicted to the religious aspects of what a life

with God may look like, but without the sacrifice of actually

growing in God. This is a deeply troubling aspect and fact of

the modern Christianity today. In Christianity it is praised

to work overtime with study but not prized to spend time in

reflection. As one who is engaged in the task of Pastoring the

flock of God it is also my responsible to the people who call

me Pastor to take care of myself. One of the key aspects where

Israel fell into disobedience was when their obedience became

compartmentalized. For example when David sinned it was not

because he did not love God but rather it was out of lust.

Even though King David was a great man of God he still had

issues. It is still the same for us today. Even though we may

think we have nothing going on-there is always some area of

weakness in our lives. We are all human beings on Planet Earth

and nobody is perfect in this journey towards growing in

Christ. We all need each other Praise God for that! God made

us one for another to use our gifts by His grace and power. He

did not call the mighty of this world, but those of lowly

stature He calls and equips to serve Him in power. The god of

this world may rage against the powers that be, but there is

but One King, and that is Jesus the Christ. He is forever and

ever while the temporary power of satan may seemingly be of

some supremacy, but for not the Lord is still the King of

Kings and the Lord’s of Lord


How I give praise unto the Father for His great work within my own life

and the lives of those whom He allows me to minister unto. Very often

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