
Summary: We can recalculate as many times as we want but there is no alternate routes (The church must be empowered) again.

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Lu 24:49 Tarry Until Ye Be Endued

You and I will never mature spiritually until God's words to us are taken personally as they are written.

It seems that we all have this ability to take God's word and sift it until all that is left is what we like.

What is comfortable convenient, easy on our flesh, what is Pleasant.

It seems that some where between our ears and our hearts is this sifter that sifts out all the Commandments and all the conviction until all were left with is suggestions and blessings and the things that we want to do and the things that feel good.

That's why our churches today are full of spiritual midgets, dwarfs that should be and could be men and women of great spiritual stature.

They should have and could have great spiritual power and authority! but because they won't eat anything but spiritual Cream of Wheat they are spiritual dwarfs.

They should be and could be Mighty Warriors but they are "Gerber babies" what do I mean Gerber babies?

I mean cute but no power.

By now they should be spiritual Warriors but instead their spiritual wimps.

They've been raised on strained bananas and pureed prunes because they wouldn't take the word as it is.

When we take God's word as it is: It comes loaded with vitamins and nutrients, it comes in a form that requires you to exercise your muscles and use your teeth.

It comes loaded with protein and power.

Jesus said the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and life.

He meant if you will take them and chew them up and digest them, they will grow you up. They will build his life into you, they will build his character, his anointing his power into you.

My job is "not" to see to it that your diet is always Cream of Wheat and pureed peas and carrots but to set the table with some filet mignon, some prime rib, some pork chops, some T-bone steaks along with some green beans spinach and broccoli.

If you're able to digest everything I give you in the same service then I need to go deeper. Because you should leave with your mouth full still chewing thinking and meditating on what has been said.

All through the week that word should be stirring in you, exciting you, inspiring you to pray and to read and study God's word for yourself.

Acts 1:4-8 the last command of Jesus to his followers and his disciples before his Ascension was go to Jerusalem and tarry (wait) for the promise!

Tarry there until you be endued with power from on high.

This was not a suggestion it was a command of the master: that commandant has never been withdrawn.

To every disciple to every follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, the commandant still stands.

Go to Jerusalem and stay there until you be en dued with power from on high.

Jesus needed that in enduement of power and he received it in the river Jordan.

If the very begotten Son of God needed that Supernatural in enduement of power how much more do we need it?

Out of at least 500 people Jesus spoke those words to: only 120 made it to the upper room ( that means 380 thought they had a better idea) and bypassed The Upper Room.

You cannot bypass the upper room and get this power.

There is no alternative route to the power of God you must go to the upper room and wait until the power comes. That simply means you must agree with Jesus and never be satisfied until the power of God comes up on you.

To climb up to the upper room means I agree with Jesus and I will obey His Commandments. I will ask, I will wait, I will knock, I will pray, I will hunger and thirst, I will worship, and I will wait until the power comes.

You shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you. after 10 days of waiting in concerted prayer suddenly heaven responded. Earth cried out and heaven answered.

Suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a rushing Mighty Wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

And cloven tongues like as fire set upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance.

Tongues of fire on their heads became tongues on fire in their mouths.

I am pressed in my spirit today to tell you that the only church that is going to make a difference in this world and an eternal impact for the kingdom of God is the church that has been to the upper room.

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