Talent Development Series
Contributed by Larry Pozza on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Every believer has a unique role in the body of Christ.
Talent Development
“And everyone kept feeling a sense of awe, and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles” Acts 2:43
Every believer is given a spiritual gift by the Holy Spirit and that gift is to be used for the common good. Paul gives a clear vision for the body of Christ when he wrote to the Corinthian Church. 1 Corinthians 12:1 says, “Now about spiritual gifts, I do not want you to be ignorant”. Every player has a unique roll. No one else is gifted exactly the same.
In the discovery and use of your spiritual gift, you begin to realize your God given role on earth. When it comes to spiritual gifts, you were not left out, overlooked or deemed unworthy.
Each one of you has a jersey with your name on it. It is your responsibility to find it, try it on and use it. Will you pick it up, put it on and get into the game? The church is not at its maximum potential without you and your gifts. Do not downplay your importance.
Below is a concise summary of some of the spiritual gifts listed in the Scriptures.
Gift and Description
Administration - Ability to organize people, tasks or events
Apostleship - Ability to start and oversee new churches
Craftsmanship -Ability to construct items for ministry
Creative Communication - Ability to communicate God’s truth through a variety of art forms
Discernment - Ability to distinguish between truth and error
Encouragement - Ability to present truth so as to strengthen and comfort
Evangelism - Ability to effectively communicate the Gospel in a compelling way
Faith - Ability to act on God’s promises with confidence
Giving - Ability to contribute resources with cheerfulness
Healing - Ability to be God’s means for moving people toward wholeness
Helps - Ability to joyfully accomplish practical tasks that serve others
Hospitality - Ability to joyfully create an environment that welcomes others
Intercession - Ability to consistently and passionately pray for others
Interpretation - Ability to make know the message given by one speaking in tongues
Knowledge - Ability to bring crucial truth to the body of Christ through biblical insight
Leadership - Ability to cast vision, motivate and direct people toward a cause
Mercy - Ability to cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering
Miracles - Ability to authenticate ministry through supernatural actions that glorify Christ
Prophecy - Ability to relevantly proclaim truth
Shepherding - Ability to nurture and guide people to spiritual maturity
Teaching - Ability to explain God’s truth and inspire growth
Tongues - Ability to speak or pray in an unknown language
Wisdom - Ability to apply spiritual insight to specific issues
Place a check mark by some of the spiritual gifts that resonate with your passion and personality.