
Summary: The tale of two builders. One was wise, the other not so wise

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Sunday, March 26th , 2020 – The Two Builders


Good Morning Church, Hey thank you so much for tuning in this morning. We miss and love all of you so very much. If you were able to join us last week, we talked about how we need each other. Some of you may remember the television series of The Lone Ranger. It was an American western drama that depicted a sole surviving Texas Ranger who wore a black mask and went about helping those that were challenged by lawless elements. Let me say, there are no Lone Rangers in the kingdom of God. Truly, we need one another.

This week we are talking about a tale of two different buildings. One that was foolish and one that was wise. Before we delve into the bible, I want to share a story with you concerning a failed building project.

You have all probably hear about the leaning tower of Pisa which is located in Italy. This 183 foot tower which was built in the 12th century was constructed using the best material available. However, due to the soft ground this structure began to sink which caused the tower to lean. When measured in 1990 the tilt had reached 5.5 degrees. It is interesting to note that the foundation of this 183 foot tower is only 10 feet deep.

Today, we are going to read a passage that is contained on what was deemed as Jesus greatest sermon. The sermon on the Mount. Our story today is about two different builders who built two houses on two different types of foundations with two different results. In this parable, Jesus teaches us the importance of the foundation of which we build our lives on. This morning we are going to talk about some of the elements of this parable that shows u that our foundation matters.

I. Built on a Rock

A. Imagery

a. Many times during Jesus teaching, He would use imagery in order for people to understand His teachings.

b. Guys I want to talk to you a little bit. As a guy, I typically learn by visually seeing something. That is not to say that some of you ladies also learn visually.

c. Have you ever wondered why they include pictures in the instruction manual when you have to put something together.

d. These manufacturers have figured it out that they will get less calls when they include pictures in their instructions.

B. The parable

a. Let’s dive right into this Parable which Jesus shares in the book of Matthew 7:24-27 (NKJV)24 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. 26 “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”

b. We have several elements here that we are going to look at for just a moment

C. Two builders

a. We learn in our story that there are two different builders.

b. While these two builders decided to build on two different foundations, they really had several important things in common.

c. First of off, these builders both had the capability of building a structure. The both had the same types of materials to work with.

d. Both of our builders in our story built in the same proximity toward one another.

II. Choosing your foundation

A. Build on sand

a. While there are several things in common with our builders. There is one major difference between the two.

b. That difference is the fact that one choose to build on sand while the other choose to build on a rock.

c. The man that built his house on the sand, it took little preparation on his part.

d. He found a spot for his house and he quickly began to build.

e. Let me say this, coming from a former construction worker, sand is not a good base to us as it is unstable and is ever changing.

f. Sand offers no stability whatsoever.

B. What does this all mean

a. So how does this relate to me? You may ask.

b. People who build on the sand hear the Gospel and choose only to save themselves.

c. They choose to follow God, but they only do so based on their own terms.

d. King Saul is a great example of this as he wanted to obey God but on his terms. He was 99 percent obedient which in God’s eyes is 100 percent disobedient.

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