Taking Risks For God
Contributed by Kemuel Travis on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: To show that we must take risks for God to accomplish the ministries He has for us.
-Today, we are going to learn a valuable lesson from Ruth
-Ruth 1:1-18
-We do not know a great deal about Ruth
-But we know that she had a few strikes against her
-She was a woman (women’s roles in their society)
-She was a foreigner, a Moabite
-People despised by the Jews
-Yet, Ruth was a risk-taker
-Q: Are you?
-Do you drive too fast? Or turn quickly in front of someone? Or speed through a yellow (or orange) light? Or follow too closely? Or drive without a seatbelt? Or talk on the cell phone, read the paper, do your makeup and eat your breakfast all at the same time while driving to work?
-Then YOU are a risk taker
-Do you go to work late? Talk on the phone on the job? Call in sick to go fishing or shopping? Take an extra 15 minutes at lunch? And talk back to your boss?
-Then YOU are a risk taker
-Do you like to ride roller coasters? Or wrestle alligators? Or bungee jump? Or sign up to be on “Survivor”? Or eat brussel sprouts? Or have a tarantula for a pet Or play the game of spoons using thumbtacks?
-Then YOU are a risk taker
-Do you read the Bible with an open mind each day? Do you pray to know God’s will with a heart to obey it fully? Do you volunteer to teach Sunday School or lead a program at the church or sit on the church board? Do you sign up for a week long missions work trip?
-Then YOU are a risk taker
-You see, to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ, it takes risk
-ILL: Calling Of The Twelve
-ILL: Arrest Of Jesus
-ILL: Deaths Of The Twelve
-The risk factor has not changed in the past 2,000 years
I. Risk Requires Faith In God
J. G. Stipe - "Faith is like a toothbrush. Every man should have one and use it regularly, but he shouldn’t try to use someone else’s."
A. In character
-That He is who He says He is
1. Omniscient
2. Righteous
3. Loving
B. In ability
II. Risk Requires Trust In God
-Trust is different than faith
-Faith is mental, trust is physical
A. That He will do what He says He will do
-That He is not a big liar
B. That He will do what is best
III. Risk Requires Surrender To God
A. Our will
B. Our plans
-This is letting go and letting God
IV. Risk Requires Action For God
-This is the stepping out over the edge
A. As He directs
B. As He enables
V. Risk Yields Results From God
A. He will be seen
-In all His glory and power
B. His will will be accomplished
C. You will be blessed
1. Maybe here
2. Certainly there
-What is God calling you to risk today?
-And believe me, He is calling all of us to risk something for Him
-Is it your reputation?
-By taking a more solid stand for Him at work
-By reading the Bible or praying in public
-By talking to non-believers about Him
-Is it your life-savings?
-By giving to His causes
-By sharing with the needy or less fortunate
-Is it your energy?
-By choosing to serve Him in areas He will lead you
-Service projects
-Missions trips
-By being more faithful to attend church services
-Is it your life?
-By spending all of yourself for His purposes
-By going to dangerous places to accomplish His purposes
-Whatever you need to risk for Him today, surrender that to Him and walk in the risk of His favor