
Summary: The importance of every member of the body of Christ experiencing the presence of God and coming to a better understanding of God’s calling on their lives.

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Take up your beam

Purpose of teaching- not just for information exchange but for life transformation- that is not a preference.

When Saul was knocked down by the HS on the Road to Damascus, he knew- not a casual transformation.

We live in an age that has trivialized faith.

We have made it little more than a preference where we move- boundaries of our faith to suit ourselves.

I want-COTRM experience to be spiritually formative.


Last week- looked at the miracle of the birth of the Body of Christ some 2000 years ago.

Body of Christ- not born through the wisdom of men.

There is- supernatural element to the Body of Christ.

Kathryn Kuhlman- evangelist/healer-

Whenever we find the presence of the Holy Spirit, we will always find the supernatural.

The disciples were instructed by Jesus-

“And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” Luke 24:49 (NAS)

Church-different than other organizations-supernatural

To fulfill its mission it needs the presence of the HS.

Last week- challenged church- memorize two verses-

17 “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mk 16:17–18

Give out iTunes gift card to person who recites verses.

Elisha and the School of Prophets

Thursday morning- lady- FCC- prayed prophetically-

2 Ki 6:1-7

v1- School of the Prophets- young men being trained for prophetic/priestly ministry

Elisha-like his predecessor, Elijah-was a prophet-who-

understood God’s will (alignment- Jn7:17) and

how to exercise God’s power.

This space is too small (2 Ki 6:1)

The place where they met/lived was too small.

Limited- restricted, confined, cramped, narrow

It lacks- breadth, width, dimensions- need for growth.

God wants us to grow/expand, break off restrictions.

Too often our expectations before God are too small.

Too often our dreams of what God can do- too small.

I’m a thousand times bigger on the inside than I am on the outside. Smith Wigglesworth

Wigglesworth- dream in his heart that he had faith for.

“You are what you eat”-you are also what you believe-

I am not moved by what I see.

I am not moved by what I feel.

I am moved only by what I believe. Wigglesworth

What do you believe about God?

What do you believe about God in you? (Col 1:27)

What do you believe about God in the church?

Prayer prayed or prophesied- Thurs morning prayer-

-Standing room only inside and parking attendants on the outside

-Full hotels, restaurants overflowing- people flooding- area because of what God was doing

-On our sign we put the number of people saved and healed each weekend

What is God saying/what are we willing to believe?

Carry your beam (2 Ki 6:2)

Jordan- wooded banks would furnish plenty of beams.

Each member of the school- go to- Jordan, pick up a beam- join the rest- build new meeting/living area.

To accomplish this each one had to pick up a beam.

16 from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love. Eph 4:16

The church will-

never be built as God would have it, and represent on earth what He wants it to, without

each member going to the Jordan and picking up their beam.

Jordan- in this verse, is the source of life.

It speaks of drawing from the supernatural power of the HS as we press into the heart of the Father


It is a picture of each of us going to God individually-

getting equipped with our beam, and then

bringing that to the Body of Christ-

to build God’s Kingdom.

The prophets were building a gathering place.

The church is a gathering place were people can come together and experience the life/breath of God.

There is no organization- more important than- church.

Order and Authority (2 Ki 6:2-4)

There was authority/order, not chaos/random building.

They would not move apart from Elisha’s blessing.

They were not doing whatever they wanted, there was a moving/working together under- HS leadership.

The church is supernatural, but each of us have a place in a natural sense- w/our timbers- gifts, resources


Lesson from the Ax Head (2 Ki 6:5-7)

In building the church, or the Kingdom of God, there will always be difficulties (ax heads flying off).

We need to learn to look to God for His supernatural wisdom and solutions to those difficulties.

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