Take It From The Top
Contributed by Johnny Carver on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There is real power available to every Christian in the person of the Holy Spirit. For way too long Christianity has live below its privilege.
Scripture: Psalms 133:1 – 3
Title: “Take It From The Top”
Introduction: David draws upon the anointing of ‘Aaron’ when he was appointed a priest.
• David was anointed three times during his lifetime. / (He knew how it worked!)
• 1. ) David was anointed as a young man by the prophet ‘Samuel’ and when the anointing was accomplished the Spirit of Lord came upon him / “The Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him from that day forward” 2. ) 1 Sam 13:16 Again, as king over Judah 2 Sam. 2:4 3. ) And then as king over Israel 2 Sam. 5:3.
• With each anointing came an upgrade of POWER from God to enable David to excel within his area of his ministry!
MAIN POINT – “The Anointing of A Priest”
1. Those who were to become “Priests” had to be born into the “Right Family” to have the right to become a ‘PRIEST!’ / They had to have a “Birthright”
2. Aaron and his sons who were to become “Priests” were to be ‘washed’ before they could “Put On The Garments of a Priest” / They had to be CLEAN!
3. The garments of a priest were handmade by people whom God had spiritually gifted.
4. These garments were holy and beautiful and gave dignity to the work of God.
5. When the OIL was poured upon the head of Aaron it was poured out so profusely that it ran down upon his beard and onto his garments all the way down to the hem of the garment!
6. It is customary in the east to pour out the OIL on the HEAD so abundantly so as to reach every LIMB of the BODY!
MAIN POINT – “The Duties of A Priest”
1. The Priests were in charge of SACRIFICE & OFFERING at the place of worship such as the Tabernacle and Temple.
2. They were involved in sacrificing at the altar and to worship.
3. They were involved in determining the will of God and instructing the people in the law of God.
4. They were to bless the people by telling them of the intentions and promises of God.
MAIN POINT – “What Does All This Mean To Us Today?”
1. First of all, WHEN Christ came, He was the “Messiah” which means, “The Anointed One!” (Messiah = In Greek, “Christos” / Christ (Jesus)
2. When we examine the works of Jesus we find He fits every requirement of a Priest.
3. Jesus received His anointing in when He was baptized by John in the River Jordan.
4. When Jesus ROSE from the dead and ascended back to heaven He became OUR “Eternal High Priest” Who lives forever to plead with God on OUR behalf!
5. The anointing that came on Jesus, the HEAD of the Church, began flowing down onto the BODY in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost!
6. If you are a born again Christian the Anointing is flowing from Jesus to you!
MAIN POINT – “The Leadership Anointing”
1. The anointing that God places on the Leadership flows onto the congregation.
2. Num. 11:25 / God took some of the SPIRIT of Moses and placed it on SEVENTY of the Elders of the Israelite camp to assist him in leading God’s people.
3. 2 Kings 2 / Elisha received a ‘double portion’ of the ANOINTING that was upon Elijah.
4. It was customary for the Father of the family to pass on a ‘Double Share’ of his estate to the firstborn.
5. The Leadership of the Family passes down the characteristics onto the members of the household.
MAIN POINT – “When The Anointing Is Not Evident” (In the congregation)
1. It is a natural occurrence for the anointing to flow from the leader onto the Congregation! / But, sometimes that isn’t happening!
2. The ‘anointing’ may be missing from the Leader!
3. 1 Sam. 16:14 / The Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul because of the sin in his life. (Saul had been appointed by the Lord and anointed by the Lord)
4. A Leader can “Refuse” to depend on the Lord’s power to help him.
5. A person can be deprived of their anointing / Gen. 27 – Jacob tricked his father from bestowing the ‘Birthright Blessing’ on the rightful recipient who was Esau.
MAIN POINT – “A Tear In The Garment”
1. Even though the anointing is on the head of the leader and flowing down onto the garment (Congregation) some of the garment may not be receiving it.
2. Everything may be right at the HEAD, but there may be a GAP in the Garment.
3. 1 Sam. 24 / David caught King Saul asleep in a cave and cut off a piece of his robe and afterwards David’s conscience began to bother him because of it.