Take Action Today!
Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In Mark 9 Jesus’ disciples could not cast a demon out of a young boy. What was Jesus explanation as to why? Pray!
Take Action Today!
When I read the Bible- like to personalize the Bible.
What does God want me to take away from- verses.
Often when I read- underline/circle action words.
How do those words affect my life?
Is there action I need to take in response?
This morning-share-verses I read recently-Mk 9:2-29.
Mk 9:2-13 (transfiguration- tell the story)
Moses represents- Law, Elijah represents- Prophets-
Jesus Christ represents the fulfillment of both.
Cloud forms- overshadows them- the glory of God.
God speaks- This is my beloved Son, listen to Him.
Listen-conform to what you hear, respond to His voice
Unbelieving Generation
Mk 9:14-19
Action word- v19- unbelieving- NLT faithless people.
Unbelieving- not believing in/relying on/trusting in.
God-not worthy of our confidence/He is untrustworthy
Jn 20:25 So the other disciples were saying to him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the imprint of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”
I do not want to be part of an unbelieving generation.
Not only that, I do not want to be the unbelieving part of that unbelieving generation.
Church- this is our watch, this our time on the stage of human history, what legacy will we leave behind?
Would Jesus say to us, “O unbelieving generation…?
Disciples could not cast out- demon- why? Unbelief.
As a result they could not walk in the authority that Jesus obviously expected them to walk in.
Jesus had given- disciples-authority to cast out demons (Mk 6:7, 13)- yet they could not set the boy free.
How often is God grieved with us when we do not use- spiritual resources God has made available to us?
What are the Lord’s expectation of us today?
Mk 9:20-23
V23 would be better translated- if you can believe!
Several thoughts we see in these verses-
Jesus discards any thought this only applies to the big 12- this authority is available to all believers-
Jesus admonishes- father- believe, you can do it!
It was not the disciples inability to believe in healing that was important, but their inability to trust God-
who can do what is humanly impossible.
Mk 11:22-24
Have faith in God- speaks of relationship- not faith as an object or a commodity we need more of.
Mk 9:24
What does the father do?
In essence he repents for his unbelief, recognizing that even in his faith he had great need for God.
Deliverance comes by the hand of the Lord, but we have a part to play in that process.
Our faith in God/our participation in- process w/God- is essential if- going to see the power of God.
Mk 9:25-29
How do you put yourself in that place where you can walk in the authority God has given you? Pray!
How can you as a parent put yourself in that place where you can exercise spiritual authority
on behalf of your children? Pray!
The disciples were not successful because they had been careless in their personal walk w/God.
They had neglected their own disciplines of prayer, fasting, studying God’s Word.
In is our faith in God that brings glory to His name-
Rom 4:20 (NAS) yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God,
Abraham lived out his faith, bringing glory to God.
It is through prayer that we admit our need for God and access His power to help.
Heb 4:16 (NAS) Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
We will find grace in time of need in proportion to our personal pursuit of God- time with God.
Prayerlessness leads to powerlessness.
Prayer is asking God to do the things that we cannot do. (Rachel Carroll)
Prayer is believing/asking God to move on our behalf.
Phil 4:6-7
Prayer is taking our needs to God and asking for His help, but it is also so much more than that.
Prayer is not just begging God to do something for us, it is also decreeing spiritual truths/realities-
not only- “God would you please,
but declaring, “God you promised"
Jesus did not beg the Father to set the child free- He knew the Father’s heart/declared to the demon-
be gone- He walked in-authority God gave Him.
He partnered His heart with the heart of the Father.
Prophetic Streams (brings this down to today/our lives)
Many prophetic streams- talking about- seriousness of the days in which we live-
Prayer/intercession are key to unlocking 21st century provision. Paul Keith Davis
Conflict between light/darkness will grow stronger- men will call evil good and good evil (Isa 5:20).