
Summary: This sermon is about the reality of being able to sit with Jesus enjoy a meal with Our Shepherd in the midst of all our enemies – the world, the Devil and the flesh.

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Scripture: Psalm 23:1-6; John 10:10-11; 1 Peter 5:8

Theme: Table for Two!

This sermon is about the reality of being able to sit with Jesus enjoy a meal with Our Shepherd in the midst of all our enemies – the world, the Devil and the flesh.


Grace and peace from God our Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

I would like to talk to you today about the area of fear in the Christian walk and the reality that we do not need to live, walk or reside in a spirit of fear. We do not have to bend the knee to fear or to any of its cousins; anxiety, doubt, dread, worry, dress, doubt, rejection, guilt, depression or discouragement.

Now, of course that is much easier said than done.

After all, we are humans that have fallen and one the horrible results of the fall is that we must deal with some rather unpleasant stuff. We must deal with things and beings that desire to cause us to be overwhelmed by worry, by anxiety and by fear. We must deal with forces that have as their primary goal to help us forsake our peace and be overwhelmed with a life of distress and dread.

In other words, we have enemies; we have adversaries, foes and opponents. The Bible is very clear that as followers of Christ we have enemies. In fact, the Bible tells us that overall we have three major enemies while we are here on this earth

– The World -The Flesh -The Devil (demonic)

This reality is clearly spelled out in such passages as Matthew 13:24 – 30 where Jesus shares the Parable of the Weeds in the Wheat. A man had sown a field with wheat seeds planning on having this wonderful harvest. He needed to feed his family and make a little money on the side and so he planted a wheat field.

However, after a few weeks he discovered that an enemy had snuck in one night and had sowed some weeds into his wheat field. At first, the wheat and weeds looked alike but over the growing season it became quite clear that in amongst the wheat was all these weeds that were doing their best to destroy his crop.

Now, why did that happen?

It happened because this man had an enemy – an enemy of flesh in this case who was listening to the voices of the world (greed, hatred, revenge) and was listening and obeying the temptations of the Devil to hurt this man.

Jesus tells us that the man saw the weeds and realized that “An enemy has done this.” A person who was not seeking to bless him but to curse him. A person whose mission was not that of encouragement or blessing but one of hurting and destroying.

We are to understand the reality that we do have enemies – like I said the Bible says that they come in three main areas – the world, the flesh and the Devil.

The WORLD is not only the physical environment around us, but it is also certain systems of manmade culture. An ungodly system of human life whose ultimate desire is to distract us from the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and provide for us an alternative way to live outside of God’s will. It is sometimes called the spirit of the age. The world tempts us to make it “GOD” and to live by its rules promising us blessings, but the truth is the world can only ultimately give us a life of heartache and a everlasting place in Hell.

The FLESH of course is that part of us that desires to put itself above the spirit. Genesis chapter three tells us that the devil used the temptation of the flesh over the spirit when Adam and Eve were tempted in the Garden of Eden. The flesh desired the forbidden fruit (it always does). The flesh not only desired it for food, but it looked pleasing to the eye and it felt good to the flesh part of mankind. The flesh wanted power and control over the spiritual part of us. The flesh seeks to rule our lives. The flesh seeks to dictate our lives. The flesh seeks to be pleased, entertained, comforted and served.

The Apostle Paul tells us in Galatians 5:17 (ESV)

17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.

Jesus our Savior and LORD warns us about this inner enemy the flesh:

Matthew 26:41 English Standard Version (ESV)

41 Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

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