
Surprising the World

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 29, 2023
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Understand that not all Christians are called to be evangelists in the traditional sense, but all are called to live lives that provoke questions about their faith. This can be done through acts of kindness, words of affirmation, and giving gifts.

Surprising the World

Youth Group Plan: Surprising the World (Colossians 4:2-6, 1 Peter 3:15-16)

Youth Sermon: Surprising the World

Understanding Evangelism

Have you ever felt a bit freaked out when you hear the word 'evangelism'? Like, does it make you think of knocking on strangers' doors or trying to convince your friends at school to come to church? It can feel a bit like you're being asked to sell something, right? Well, let's take a chill pill and look at this from a different angle.

You know how some people are just naturally good at talking about their faith? Like, they can stand up in front of a crowd and just go for it. That's awesome, but not all of us are like that. And guess what? That's okay.

Well, let's take a chill pill and look at this from a different angle.

What the Bible Says

[Read passages]

So, there are two ways we can share our faith:

1. Some people are just naturally bold about it. They're the ones who can stand up and preach or talk to strangers about Jesus. That's cool, but not all of us are like that.

2. The rest of us can be, well, questionable. Not in a bad way, but in a way that makes people curious about us. We can live our lives in a way that makes people ask questions.

Being the Weird Chips

Think about it like this: Imagine you're at a party and there's a bowl of plain chips and a bowl of some weird, colorful chips. Which one are you more likely to try? The weird ones, right? Because they're different and interesting. That's how we should live our lives - in a way that's different and interesting, so people want to know more.

So, how can we be more like those weird chips? Here are three ways:

1. Say nice things to people. Send a text or a note to someone, just to tell them they're awesome.

2. Do nice things for people. Help out your neighbor or do a favor for a friend.

3. Give people stuff. Not like, expensive stuff, but little things that show you care.

We should try to do these things for three people every week, and at least one of them should be someone who doesn't go to our church.

When we live our lives like this, people will start asking questions. And that's when we get to share our faith.


Let's pray together.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How can you live a life that provokes questions about your faith?

2. Who are three people you can bless this week and how will you do it?

3. What are some ways you can show kindness to others in your daily life?

4. How can you use your words to affirm and encourage others?

5. What are some gifts you could give to surprise someone and show them love?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Questionable Lives Ice-Breaker

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