Surprised By Joy
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Surprised by Joy - (Character Study Cleopas) (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
They talked with each other (vs 14, 15 & 17)
They welcomed a stranger (vs 15).
They shared the story of Jesus (vs 18-23).
They were willing to learn (vs 25-27)
They practiced hospitality (vs 28)
• The newspaper The Independent on Sunday (5 September 2004) reported the true story
• Of a Brazilian businessman called Alvaro Weyne.
• He had £10,000 in cash and cheques and was worried about it being stolen;
• So he decided that the safest place to hide it would be in his office waste bin.
• He figured no thief would think of looking in there.
• He was right.
• But... while he was away from his desk seeing someone in another room;
• The cleaner came in and…you guessed it;
• Emptied the bin and his money was thrown away - lost forever!
• TRANSITION: Life is like that sometimes, isn't it?
• You think you've got something precious and all of a sudden it's gone.
• Now here's another story, this time it may or may not be true,
• But sometimes it’s good to use your imagination.
• Enrico is a Brazilian pauper,
• Who scrapes a living by scavenging the rubbish tips of the city;
• His life is spent using or selling what he finds.
• One day while rummaging through a new pile of refuse;
• He picked up a small plastic bag.
• He opened it up, and to his great surprise and joy,
• There inside the bag was £10,000!
• He ran home to his wife and family, bought them all new clothes,
• They had a celebration meal;
• Then they put down a deposit on a house far away from the slums.
• You see, sometimes life can do things like that to you.
• You think you've got nothing precious at all,
• Then out of the blue your circumstances change for the better!
• And without any warning, you are surprised by joy.
You could put both of those illustrations to the story of Cleopas & his friend:
• You think you've got something precious and all of a sudden it's gone.
• You think you've got nothing precious at all,
• Then out of the blue your circumstances change for the better!
• The story of Cleopas & his friend:
• Is a story of two people who are suddenly surprised by joy!
• At the start of the story they are two men defeated;
• They thought they had something precious, and all of a sudden it was gone.
• Then as they walked down the road feeling like they had lost everything;
• Their circumstances change for the better
• They were two people who were surprised by joy!
• That expression, Surprised by Joy,
• Was coined by the 20th-century Christian writer C.S. Lewis.
• He made it the title of his autobiography,
• Where he talks about his early days as an atheist,
• Someone who disbelieved in God and went out of his way to avoid God.
• But God was after him, he said, looking back.
"You must picture me," Lewis wrote, "alone in [my room], night after night, feeling, whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet."
• Gradually he came to admit that God was God,
• And he knelt and prayed:
• He said that: "perhaps, that night,
• [he was] the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England."
• He began to attend church and to read the gospels.
• They started to make sense to him.
• Lewis had acknowledged God; now God was after him to acknowledge his son.
• The subject was on Lewis's mind constantly.
In a now famous passage of Surprised by Joy, Lewis related his final step into real joy:
"I know very well when, but hardly how, the final step was taken. I was driven to Whipsnade one sunny morning. When we set out I did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and when we reached the zoo I did."
• The journey to Whipsnade Zoo was Lewis's Emmaus Road.
• It was the time Lewis encountered the living Christ!
• Lewis’ story is a good reminder that Emmaus Road experiences still happen in our day.
• They might even happen to us afresh this morning!
Cleopas & Friend:
• Everything we know about Cleopas & his friend:
• Come from this passage in the gospel of Luke.
• All we can be sure of is Cleopas & his friend;
• Were two followers of Jesus;
• Men who encountered the risen Christ during the Road to Emmaus.