"Surely The Day Is Coming..."
Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: ADVENT 2 - Surely the day of judgment and salvation is coming. Until that time believers need to remember the message of God and the messengers of God.
December 5, 2010 -
Advent 2 -
INTRO: The book of Malachi is placed at the end of the Old Testament. This book ends with the word “curse”. This word hung in the air. Hundreds of years later Christ the Savior was born. Jesus brought blessing and removed the curse. How did those generations endure until the Savior removed the curse? How do we endure as we wait for the Lord’s day of judgment? How did Adam and Eve endure after sin? Believers of every age and generation live in faith. We are sustained by the living and enduring word of God. It is this very word of God that preserves all things – from creation and even into eternity. "By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men" (2 PETER 3:7). Malachi reminds us:
I. Remember the message of God. II. Remember God’s messengers.
A. Israel was at a high point in their history. They had returned from slavery and captivity.
1. God’s temple at Jerusalem had been rebuilt. There was more than the present to consider.
2. Verse 1. Malachi very clearly and simply describes the Last Day.
3. God’s fiery judgment will consume everything and everyone on the earth.
4. There will be no earthly future for the arrogant, evildoer, unbeliever: no “root or branch” left.
B. Verse 3. The unbelievers’ existence ends. Every earthly success and all prosperity become ashes.
C. Verse 2a. The coming of the Lord on the Last Day will bring victory, joy, and blessing to believers.
1. The “sun of righteousness” is God’s “Son of righteousness”. Jesus once Savior is now Judge.
2. Verse 2b. Believers react to Judgment Day with great joy. All pent up joy is released.
D. “Surely the day is coming…” is the message of God that everyone needs to remember. No one can or will escape the fact of Judgment Day. This is the same message of God that is still true today. We are much nearer to that day than when first mentioned by Malachi. We are much closer to the Lord’s second coming than when John the Baptist preached on the banks of the Jordan River. There will be Judgment Day. Believers will go to heaven. Unbelievers will end up in everlasting torment. Do not fall for today’s false beliefs that deny the existence of hell or eternal punishment. God’s message is clear. "His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire" (MATTHEW 3:12). Hell’s fire cannot be quenched or put out.
E. “Surely the day is coming…” This is the truth of God’s message yesterday, today, and until the Last Day. Some today do not want to hear such a truth. Sadly many today will deny what the clear word of God proclaims. Others reject God’s truth completely. Mankind’s denial or rejection does not change the truth or outcome of God’s promise. Those who reject God will be rejected by God. In the end every unbeliever will be separated from God’s love and mercy forever. "He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power" (2 THESSALONIANS 1:8, 9).
F. “Surely the day is coming…” is the ultimate message of victory for every believer. You, I, and every believer are sustained by God’s living and active word. God’s word gives us that faith that overcomes every enemy that opposes God. God’s message reminds each of us of the joy of Judgment Day."For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God" (1 JOHN 1:4, 5). We will reign with the Lord forever in a perfect heaven. All of this is ours purely by God’s free grace.
“SURELY THE DAY IS COMING…” We remember God’s message of judgment for all the arrogant, evil ones, and unbelievers. But that same judgment day will be a day of victory for every believer..
A. Note that Malachi does not point to himself as being of any importance compared to God’s message.
1. Verses 1b, 3b: “says, the LORD Almighty”. These are God’s words: inspired and true.
2. These are NOT the words or visions or dreams of Malachi. (Avoid men’s dreams, visions!)