
Summary: When we wait patiently upon the Lord, He gives us supernatural strength to soar high in all areas of life.

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Supernatural Strength for Spectacular Soaring

Study Text: Isaiah 40: 29 - 31


It is the will of God for every believer in the Kingdom of God to succeed and move forward in every area of his or her life.

Spectacular Soaring in all areas of life, is not just a possibility to be desired but a responsibility to be pursued as Christians.

God will always make supernatural strength available for His children whenever they persevere to wait upon Him. This strength is sufficient for spectacular soaring in all areas of life.

God in His grace will provide power, strength, and courage to the weary, weak, and downtrodden when they are willing to be patient and wait faithfully on Him. God will cause us to mount up with Wings like eagles.

We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Prerequisite for Spectacular Soaring

2. The Portrait of Spectacular Soaring

3. The Power for Spectacular Soaring

1. The Prerequisite for Spectacular Soaring :

The Prerequisite for the supernatural strength for mounting up with Wings like eagle is waiting upon the Lord.

The clear condition given to us is to wait upon the Lord. Lamentation 3: 24 - 26.

Waiting upon the Lord is the confident, disciplined, expectant, active, and sometimes painful clinging to God.

God is trying to draw all of us into his presence and to trust in His grace and power at all times for spectacular soaring.

If we are to wait upon the Lord and stay very focused, ready to catch the wind of the Holy Spirit and get into His Word daily, then we will not flap but soar into higher places that we could ever imagine in life.

We shall run and not be weary, we will walk and not faint, and that is only possible as we wait upon the Lord. Then, we will mount up with wings like eagles into heights that He has destined for each and every one of us.

Waiting on the Lord may be one of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life. Waiting is not just something we have to do to get what we want.

Waiting is the process of becoming what God wants us to be. What God does in us while we wait is as important as what it is we are waiting for.

There are certain truths we need to know about waiting upon the Lord:

1. Waiting on the Lord requires absolute trust.

Waiting means that we trust God that He knows what He is doing. Waiting is God's way of seeing if we will trust him before we move forward.

2 . Waiting on God reminds us that God is in absolute control.

Waiting reminds us that we are not in charge, but God is in absolute control of all things and our situations.

3. Waiting on the Lord allows God to do his work.

God's timing is the best. God is working, and as we wait, we allow Him to do as He pleases, in His own ways and at His own time.

4. Waiting on God increases and renews our strength

As we wait patiently and faithfully upon the Lord, our strength is renewed and increased.

Biblical waiting, is not a passive waiting around for something to happen that will allow us to escape our troubles. Waiting does not mean doing nothing. Those who wait are those who work, because they know their work is not in vain.

The farmer can wait all through the dry season for his harvest because he has done his work of sowing the seed and watering the plants. Those who wait on God can go about their assigned tasks, confident that God will provide the help and solutions to their situation.

When Jesus told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem, He was telling them that that this was a means of experiencing His peace, His prosperity, and His power. In waiting they would catch the wind of God's Spirit. In waiting they would see God move.

Those who wait will never be put to shame. They will never be disappointed. The time will come when those who wait on the Lord will soar.

God is the great mover. We are to push, to work. And if we wait, in patient trust, remembering that God is in control doing his work, increasing our strength, we will experience spectacular soaring in our lives and in our Church.

2. The Portrait of Spectacular Soaring:

We are given the picture of an eagle with a capacity and capability of soaring high to altitudes that other birds can not attained.

Let us learn how the characteristics of the eagle can help us in our Christian walk and experiencing spectacular soaring:

1. The ability to fly at a high altitude.

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