Supernatural Endowment For Spectacular Exploits
Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God has made spiritual gifts available for His Church, and these are supernatural endowment the Church need to do spectacular exploits in the Kingdom of God. This will edify the body of Christ and glorify God.
Study Text: 1 Corinthians 12: 1 – 11.
- God has given us many gifts for us to operate in the supernatural, but we are not fully benefitting from what has been freely given to us.
- Our failure in putting these gifts into action is seriously affecting the effectiveness of the gospel and consecration of members of the Church.
- In Acts 3, manifestation of spiritual gift led to the conversion of five thousand souls, and in Acts 5, it produces sincerity, seriousness and sanctification among believers.
- One major reason for our failure is ignorance, and ignorance becomes unpardonable after the opportunity to know has been given. The status of the ignorant person will change from sincerity to stupidity.
- For instance, certain disciples were sincerely ignorant concerning the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but when Paul taught them, they refused to be a foolish person by getting baptized. Acts 19: 1 – 6
- There are two ways a man can be ignorant of the gifts:
- First is ignorance which comes through a lack of knowledge about the existence, continuance or operation of the gifts.
- Second is an ignorance which comes through a misunderstanding about the gifts—in other words an abuse or improper operation of them which exceeds or contradicts that written in the scriptures.
- These two extremes reveal ignorance and both forms of ignorance are dealt with by a return to a clear biblical understanding of the gifts.
- We can also see that these gifts not only find their source in the Holy Spirit but are pure bestowments of the grace of God. They cannot be earned, bought or given by the will of man. Gifts are a result of God’s grace.
- We see also that these gifts are specifically given by the Holy Ghost—not men, ministries or churches. He gives these gifts to individual believers according to His own will.
- Their distribution it totally according to His mind for He knows all things, all hearts and every situation. He chooses what gifts to give, to whom they are to be given, and for what purpose they are to be given.
- We can also see that they are manifestations of the Spirit. If that be so then when the gifts are neglected, restricted, limited, abused, counterfeited or rejected it affects the true and real shinning forth of the Holy Spirit in the public gathering.
- We shall discuss this topic under three sub-headings:
1. The Description of The Spiritual Gifts
2. The Direction for use of The Spiritual Gifts
3. The Desirability of The Spiritual Gifts
1. The Description of The Spiritual Gifts
i) The word of wisdom:
- This is not natural, common or learnt biblical wisdom but wisdom that comes as a gift from the Holy Spirit.
- Every believer does not possess it. It is granted for ministry in the local body.
- It is a word of wisdom which is to be operated in the public gathering of believers for their edification.
- It is the Spirit’s wisdom suddenly and supernaturally revealed through any member of the body chosen by the Spirit on a particular occasion.
ii) The word of knowledge:
- Natural knowledge comes through the five senses but this gift brings forth knowledge which the Spirit alone knows.
- It is knowledge imparted through an utterance. It is facts and details which are not naturally known by the speaker but by this gift revealed through him for the good of all.
- It is an utterance of precise knowledge of past, present and future things that could only be known by God. it is not taught knowledge but imparted knowledge.
iii) Faith:
- Faith is both a gift and fruit. One grows as we walk with God; the other comes instantly at times of great impossibility when we need to believe to a greater degree than anything natural.
- One has to do with character, the other with power. Often this gift of faith will operate before miracles or healings take place.
- It is not worked up, it does not grow, it simply shines forth immediately so as to enable a person to edify the body.
iv) Gifts of healing:
- It is the one gift in this list that is not restrictive to a set pattern. Healing deals specifically with every manner and form of sickness or brokenness of the physical body.
- It also includes the healing of all manner of mental affliction and even demon possession.
- No person possesses the ability to heal every person. Each healing is a gift.
v) The working of miracles:
- This is a manifestation of the divine power of the Holy Spirit in accomplishing things which could never be accomplished by any power of man.