
Summary: Are we willing and able in this time of death ,to suffer for Jesus?

Suffering for the Church 2nd Timothy 2:1-21 In a land of plenty, are we willing to suffer for Christ? There are many in the world that are suffering for non Christian reasons. The war in iraq, Africa, Syria, and the untold wars that are rageing behind our backs and under our noses. But why are these people willing to suffer and die for, land and posessions and false gods?What about the millions of children that are starveing to death, daily? Why, theyve known and know of Jesus but they turn away. There has to be a reason, and we will come to know it. There are so many verses that show suffering in scripture, but some of the most prolific are in Psalms. Lets look at Psalm 38:1, O Lord, rebuke me not in thy wrath, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure. When people fall away from the true and liveing God, then there is an empty place in their heart and they dont know where to turn.Verse 3., There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger. Soundness in their flesh, the decisions that the people in the midle east are makeing , is without soundness, there is no reasoning behind it, except to kill, kill or be killed. When unrightiouness takes hold then the world suffers for it. The United States has been drawn into a war of religion and hatred. Jesus didnt want this to happen but it was ineviatable.Some say the begining of the end, and they are probably right. Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and pestulance.We as the church are suffering, from ignorance and aposticy. From being left alone, look at Psalms 38:19, But mine enemys are lively, and they are strong, and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied. Was this verse just for David or for the church, look closely, September 11th, the World trade center bombings, why is America under attack? The answer is Jesus, we are founded on the Bible, Jesus, The church, the Ten commandments. Look at what Jesus said in Matthew 24: 22, And except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved.... We are in a fight for our very exsistance ,just as Isreal is, we have a special bond with the people of Isreal they will also be part of the church and they too are suffering. We as christians are a nation within our selves and Jesus said they we would be hated of all nations. A past presedent of ours once said, The biggest problem with the worlds lack of peace, lyes with the christians. Martyrs around the world, they are dieing for Jesus, persecutions, beatings, even the countries that we help, will not allow christianity to become placed into their land, and it still goes on , day after day. Look at Revelations 6:9 And when He had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the alter the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. We are not immune to persecutions or threats or even death here, where we live. Is your Faith strong enough to endure untill the end, are you willing to give your life as Christ gave His for us? Hebrews 12:3-4, For concider Him that endured such contradicition of sinners against Himself, least ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striveing against sin. We havent given a drop of our blood for Jesus, but we hafe to offer up our bodies as a liveing sacrifice to God ,which is our reasonable service. Even thou we arnt suffering Church, there are brothers and sisters in Christ that are. we need to be more dillagent and prayerful. Take time out of your day and pray for those who suffer, for one day it may be you. So you ask, When will this suffering stop?, When Jesus returns after the tribulation after the seven year peace treaty, at the battle of armageddon. Its comming church and we need to be prepared for the rapture and prepare those who wont go. For they also will suffer for their testimony and their faith in Christ.Let the world know, that we as christians will not go quietly, we will stand, we will testify, we will glorify the Father, we will raise up the name of Jesus, we will carry our cross, and we will not be moved. The Bible states that ,it is better to suffer as a Christian.... Are you willing, are you ready and are you prepared? ars.

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