Stuck On Jesus
Contributed by Bruce Ball on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon gives details about the adhesive protein called ’Laminin’ that holds our body’s cellular structure together. That protein molecule is in the shape of the cross. Audio, text, communion message will be at www.sermonlist.com
(Links to all photos are at bottom of last page)
I should begin by telling you that this is not one of my regular sermons. It is a teaching sermon, but what it teaches is primarily the concept of God’s greatness. The focal point of this sermon is to show you how powerful and how magnanimous our God is, while still taking the time to desire a deep personal relationship with each one of us.
We will find out that Jesus Christ really is the glue that holds us together. Let us begin by talking about glue.
There are different kinds of glue. There is the stuff that manufacturers use when making cheap toys. That glue doesn’t hold very well or very long. Then, there is rubber cement. It holds papers together but allows them to be taken apart when you want.
Of course, we all know about Elmer’s glue; which works much better, but can still be pulled apart. And then we have super-glue. Super-glue is a very strong glue. And for minor things it works great, but for major items it doesn’t hold well, either.
Today, I want to talk about glue; about it being stuck on you. Now you might think that having glue stuck on you is a bad thing, and most of the time it is, but there is one type of glue that actually makes everything better.
Man is born broken, and he needs mending. There is only one kind of glue that makes it possible for man to be mended and reattached to God. Let’s find out what it is by reading …
‘He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him, all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him.
‘He is before all things, and in Him – all things hold together.’
This is an extremely important passage, and I want to go over it a little slower, explaining it as we go.
First of all, Paul wrote the book of COLOSSIANS, and in this passage, he is talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus looks like God! Now, some people think that means they would look like twins if they were standing side-by-side. I personally doubt that. I believe that Jesus is the perfect reflection of the essence of God, or divine holiness and perfect love.
Jesus was always. That is a concept we cannot comprehend. As humans, we need a starting and stopping point. But Jesus was always, and will always be. This passage tells us that Jesus was the Creator of all things, including the invisible spiritual realm. And not only did He create everything, He created for His purpose.
But there is something else nearly everyone misses in this passage. It is found in the last part of verse 17: ‘… and in Him, all things hold together.’
And that is what I want to talk to you about.
Jesus did not create the world, and then exit, leaving us to our own devices to keep it together, no, he created the universe, and he sustains it! He not only sustains the universe, He sustains us, individually as loved children.
You are were made with perfect love. And the Lord Jesus Christ is the One who put you together. He knew you before the creation, and He knew you in your mother’s womb. It is no accident that you are here. Jesus put you here because He loves you. You owe your very life to Him.
He also knows everything there is to know about you, and He has made a promise to those who will trust in Him. He has promised to hold them in the palm of His hand and carry them – all the days of their life.
There is another powerful passage in …
PSALM 33:9-10
‘For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm. The Lord foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples.’
We can see the power of God in these two verses, can’t we? But after God establishes His power for us, He then does something different; He turns very personal in verses 13-15.
‘From heaven, the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from His dwelling place, He watches all who live on the earth – He who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.’
And then, the Lord goes even further. He gives us His promise in verses 18-19.
‘But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love, He promises to deliver them from death.’