Contributed by Samson Musyoki on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
DANIEL 11:32
With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.
A certain daughter of a senior police commissioner was reported to have assaulted a junior police officer after the traffic policeman spotted her over speeding. The lady is reported to have reacted emotionally over the policeman who did not know that she was the daughter of his boss. There was a heated exchange of words between the two characters whose end results were quite disappointing especially to the policeman. One was demonstrating his powers as an officer on duty, with state authority, while the other one was also demonstrating her power as a loved one of the officers boss.
The lady was bold enough because she quite well understood her position as daughter to the police commissioner. No particular policeman could harass her as this could result to disciplinary action; sacking or demotion.
How much then are Christians supposed to act boldly before the world? The world should actually know that the one we trust in is powerful through the way we stand for the word without wavering. There’s a time my brother Joseph was driven in a senior army officers’ car into an office where he wanted to retrieve some personal parcels. He was in civilian outfit and walked like a real soldier (he has served in the Air Force) therefore, he had all the boldness an army officer could demonstrate. The men in the office thought that he was a senior officer in the armed forces and so the man who had confisticated the parcels was sacked on the spot. He walked into the van and was driven away.
Dear reader, do you stand in boldness and proclaim Christ to the nations, your friends and neighbors? Or do you compromise when conditions are not conducive or favorable? We all should know that the one who called us and saved us is capable of doing exploits through us. Girls who find themselves expectant outside wedlock, try ways and means of concealing the pregnancy for fear of being victimized. A certain lady concealed until birth while in college and this surprised many- me included since nobody had realized and reported it . It was quite unusual. A married woman will put on a mother’s dress even before people start realizing that she is expectant, simply because she knows the father to the child.
Christians should therefore act like expectant mothers. We should not shy off but be aggressive with the gospel as the Bible says that as from the days of John the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has been forceful advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it ( Matthew 11:12 ). We shouldn’t be ashamed of what we are ‘carrying’. If people have asked you in surprise whether you are a believer, then you need to think about it; probably you are not!
It is our time as believers to resist the devil at all costs. However ‘fat’ the bribe may seem, reject it! However appealing the offer may seem, reject it if it involves compromise. And as you endeavor to practice Christianity, the Lord shall appear to you and strenghthen you to victory. Preach the gospel without fear and you shall witness your heavenly Father backing you with power, miracles, signs and wonders.
There is no father like our heavenly Father for He is ever powerful, rich, loving, caring and no one can ever challenge Him. Hold unto Him and launch forward if you intend to do exploits. Once you know the word, then you have known the Father. By knowing the Father, it means being enlightened and doing beyond the natural. Daniel tells us that those who know their God shall be strong…..and pull down mountains, obstacles, strongholds….etc (italics mine). Once you know your God you will know the power and authority that He has bestowed upon you, therefore nobody/nothing will threaten or scare you at all costs.