
Summary: Why is it some have joy and the strength of the Lord in their lives, while others don’t?

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~ Part One ~

The Armor of God

There is something wonderful about becoming a Christian.

The forgiveness of God is difficult for people to understand. That is, until they finally surrender their life completely to the Lord.

To know first hand the saving Grace of God is life changing.

It is great to watch new Christians quickly adjust to their new life in Christ. You have seen it. The person that gives their heart to the Lord can change almost overnight. One day their life was empty and without meaning. And, the next day they are full of joy and happiness. It is great to watch people like that. Amen?

Some people experience a true conversion like this and live happily ever after with the Lord. On the other hand, I have seen other Christians who are living for God, but are actually weary and frustrated with what is going on in their life.

Church, it doesn’t have to be this way. None of us should ever have to live without the joy of the Lord. I don’t want anyone to feel obligated to be a Christian. The Lord wants us all to experience the

1. Complete joy of knowing His Son, Jesus Christ.

2. Strength of Serving and living for Christ

Today we will begin a new series - STRENGTH TO STAND


Why is it some have joy and the strength of the Lord in their lives, while others don’t?

Some would say that some people are more disciplined with how they act.

Other people know they cannot give up on their faith. Some are steadfast in their faith, while others just seem to be stubborn...obligated...miserable.

Some people have told me they are frightened of “Judgment Day” and know that without their commitment to the Lord they will face an eternity in hell. They seem to be obligated (or forced) to live for God.

This is a difficult problem that many may not want to admit to.


If you have an obligation to the Christian religion but not a personal relationship with Christ, you will eventually grow weak in your own determination. Eventually you will grow too tired and will give up as many others have done. More often than not obligation causes religion in a church. But it is having your life transformed by Christ that makes the difference in yourself and in your church.


1. How can we keep our joy and strength for the Lord?

2. What can we do to protect ourselves from the attack of the devil and maintain a healthy and vibrant faith in God?”

The picture shown depicts for us a soldier of strength – fit for battle.

My hope is that we grow stronger and more resilient in our faith.

Unfortunately – I am becoming concerned with how many so-called believers are apparently growing more and more weary with their faith.

We all have our problems that may be partially responsible for our fatigue, and I do know that many are still obedient (for the most part) to the commandments found in the Bible. But I would suggest that there are some who are not (let’s just say) quite as strong as they once were.

In the average church life – Christians may often give the appearance that all is well with their soul, but there are times when anyone of us may need to be strengthened by the Lord. The more candid we are with one another the more likely we will confess our weaknesses (to one another).

The fact is there is a war taking place between good and evil.

And none of us are exempt from being in the battlefield. This battle between right and wrong has been going on for thousands of years. Lucifer may be on the loose, but (the Good News is) my God is more than able to defeat Satan and all of his demons.

I am convinced that the modern day New Testament Church is being attacked on every wall and at every gate! Nevertheless –

“A Mighty Fortress is our God…a bulwark never failing…”

• Perhaps you are unaware of these attacks I refer to…

• Perhaps you are concerned and/or frightened by what you have heard others are saying about this church, and Christianity in general.

• Perhaps (worse yet) you are unconcerned, negligent, or even passive or complacent, or you just don’t want to know…

Regardless – the time has come for every blood bought child of God to wake up and get suited up in THE ARMOR OF GOD.

Text: Ephesians 6:10 thru 13;



Many of us continue to grow in the things of God and are finding a stronger determination to serve the Lord with sincerity and conviction.

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