
Summary: The presence of Jesus will make a change in your life.

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Strange Things Happen

Pastor James Thomas jr.

House Of Judah Ministries

(MARK 10:46-52)

This morning we find ourselves visiting the gospel according to Mark, John Mark who is referred to in the bible as Mark. Mark was a Companion of Peter. Mark also recorded what Peter preached while in Rome.

Mark writes from the perspective of Christ being s servant of God. This morning we visit Mark as he writes in the 10th Chapter beginning with the 4th verse thru the 52nd verse. Jesus was headed to Jerusalem with his disciples on the way to Jerusalem when he came to Jericho.

Jesus has just informed his disciples in the 33rd verse of this chapter that, He was going to Jerusalem to die. Only a strange and peculiar man walks toward his death usually we walk away from our death.

Usually it is a task to get us to show up for court on traffic ticket day, let alone walk head on to death. While on this walk and March Jesus came to the famous city of Jericho. The time of year was nearing Passover and there where great festivities going on Jesus along with thousands of countless others has come to town. As they passed thru the city of Jericho and reached the out skirts of town they noticed people in the streets as they approached the highways one could see the beggars and the afflicted on the road. Everyone knew of the coming festival so this road was busy, beggars who were waiting for the crowds to pass by. There were those waiting for any type of handouts or help. Those waiting for the crowd and those following the crowd were all present.

Everyone wants to be part of a crowd plus the party of the year was going on. Plenty of food plenty of drink, whose who, of Jerusalem were present. On that road was a man by the name of Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus was blind and had been reduced to a life of begging for money. There was no Sears Optical, no Eye Center Optical Shop; No Ferguson Optical So Bartimaeus was left to do the best he could do.

Misery is the object of Mercy. Misery will bind you and confine you. Misery will make you give up. Now in Leviticus 19:14 God had made Provision for the blind; God commanded that the deaf be not cursed. That no stumbling block be placed before the blind. But society at that time viewed blindness as a curse or punishment. For the disciples had asked Jesus in the gospel of John chapter 9 verse 2. Rabbi who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind. So people tended to look down on the blind. But thank God that when we are weak he is strong. That his mercy endureth forever. For David said in 57th Psalms For thy mercy is greatly unto thy heavens and thy truth unto thy clouds.

Luke 18:36 says that Bartimaeus heard the multitude passing by and asked what was going on, Someone answered Jesus of Nazareth passed by. See you can’t get Jesus to move if you don’t know him. The crowd said Jesus of Nazareth passed by. John 1:46 says Nathaniel said can there any good come out of Nazareth? Phillip said come and see. It makes a difference when you know Jesus for yourself.

Bartimaeus knew what they said about no good coming out of Nazareth but though he was blind physically he could see spiritually. Where they could see physically they were spiritually blind. This is the very reason some people can get healed and some cannot, some can be delivered and some cannot.

I can tell you this morning there are many churches across America this morning who do not know who Jesus is. Many people have heard the gospel many times. They have heard that Jesus died for the Sins of Mankind. They have heard that Jesus rose again and is in heaven preparing a place for those who receive him in faith. Yet many of them will leave as messed up and as miserable as they were when they came. It is because of hearing but not hearing seeing but not seeing.

Peter said in 1 Peter 1:8 Christ whom we have seen ye love whom though now you see him not yet believing ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. I am sure there were other sick people in the crowd but Bartimaeus cried out thou son of David have mercy on me. Mark 10:48 said they told Bartimaeus be quiet but he cried out again thou son of David have mercy on me. The more they tried to quiet Bartimaeus the more he cried out.

How many know it makes a difference when you know who Jesus is. It makes a difference when you know who you are calling on. Bartimaeus left all the other beggars and the non believers all the nay Sayers. Verse 50 is key Bartimaeus Shed his garment see the clothes he was wearing were beggar clothes but he knew he was getting ready to wear new clothes.

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