Strait And Narrow Sermon Iii: Christians Deal With Depression Series
Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jun 11, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: As culture drifts further away from biblical truth, Christians deal with depression by talking to oneself while seeking God Himself.
Charlie Brown attempted to kick a football with Lucy holding it. As he goes through the motions, and as his foot approaches the ball, mischievous Lucy moves the ball out of his reach. Charlie winds up on the ground, on his back. With a sigh of exasperation, he asks: “Why do I always fall for the same old trick?” And Lucy answers, “Because, Charlie Brown, you’re a loser.”
Ever find yourself asking, “Why is this happening to me?” Or saying, “Can’t win for losing.” Get down on yourself, feel sorry for yourself, until one of two things happens- either (1) you give up or (2) you get tired of being tired and deal with it.
A specialist in the treatment of emotional disorders said this: “Mild or severe depression affects more people in our culture than any other disorder.”
Some folks get upset at the least little thing and they let it get them down (mild). Others become outraged at something that did not go their way and suffer manic depression (severe).
Following a lecture on manic depression, a clinical psychology professor asked her class of interns, “How would you diagnose a patient who walks back and forth screaming at the top of his lungs one minute, then plops in a chair weeping uncontrollably the next?” One young man raised his hand and answered, “my basketball coach”! Now hear this:
*Depression is a disorder that must be dealt with . . . Moses (Numbers 11:14-15) . . . Jesus (Matthew 26:38) . . . Martin Luther the great religious reformer . . . Martin Luther King the great social reformer . . . many others . . . Godly people struggle with situational, spiritual depression, but they deal with it --- by talking to themselves (confronting their depression) and by seeking God Himself, praying, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
*Being sick (depressed) is not a sin (John 9:2-3) . . .
*Staying sick (depressed) - when there are effective treatments . . . may be a cure . . . are coping strategies . . . is a solution to spiritual depression --- is unwise and unbiblical.
Christians deal with depression by talking to self while seeking God Himself – as did King David, “a man after God’s own heart” whose psalms of praise inspire all of us who love the Lord.
There is no better self-help for dealing with discouragement, despair and despondency caused by depression than the Companion Psalms 42-43 . . . In these psalms, it is obvious that:
David was being taunted by enemies of the Lord and of those who trust in the LORD. Enemies of God turned against David because of his public expressions of trust in God. Their disrespect for the Lord, evidenced by their disdain for God’s commandments plunged David into severe spiritual depression.
He deals with his depression by talking to self while seeking the Lord God Himself (a renewal of his Faith) - Psalms 42-43 . . .
How do you feel, David? headache . . . upset stomach . . . hurt all over . . . helpless . . . abandoned . . . confused . . . guilty . . . fatigued . . . no energy . . . discombobulated . . . unmotivated . . . loss of desire . . . loss of appetite.
What are you doing about it, David? go around looking sad . . . cry a lot . . . quit eating . . . stay awake at night worrying . . . try to sleep it off in the daytime . . . stay away from people . . . no longer participate in activities . . . no longer talk to my friends about how I feel.
Have you thought about talking to yourself? Confront yourself as to why you are depressed . . . learn from your depression . . . admit you have a problem . . . get a medical exam . . . talk to a Christian counselor . . . identify what triggers your depression . . . adopt a plan.
Have you thought about seeking God Himself? Why not ask God to prop you up on your leaning side . . . renew your vows to the Lord . . . weigh the world’s counsel by biblical standards . . . trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding . . . place your spiritual depression under the Spirit’s control!
Once David sorted out his feelings . . . sifted through all that he had tried to do in his own strength, but failed . . . confronted the causes of his depression . . . admitted that his circumstances were not going to change at least any time soon, he was left with one question: “How will I change my attitude”?