Stop & Consider: Looking Forward: Dreaming With God Series
Contributed by Marty Boller on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: #3 of 3 New Years teachings. Geared to help your listeners to reflect on what God has done in their lives and to dream about what God might do in the future.
Welcome to 2006. It’s A New Year.
A time for New Year Resolutions
Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions...
1. Lose weight
2. Stop smoking
3. Stick to a budget
4. Save or earn more money
5. Find a better job
6. Become more organized
7. Exercise more
8. Be more patient at work/with others
9. Eat better
10. Become a better person
No mention of God in the top ten...so we thought we’d help you out with that...
One resolution we hope to keep here @ The House...
Job 37: 14 Stop and consider God’s wonders.
The last two weeks... we’ve challenged you to STOP & take your spiritual temperature.
‘Measuring Your God Account’ barometer...
Two weeks ago...Looking backward: Redemptive Remembering.
#1. What has been the hardest moment(s) of your life in 2005?
#2. What has been the most blessed moment(s) of your life in 2005?
#3. What are you most thankful for in 2005?
Last week... Looking forward: Projections of Promise...
Proverbs 3 Amazing promises of God for you....
TODAY...Looking forward: Dreaming with God.
As it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” 1st Corinthians 2: 9-10
Dreaming with God in 2006.
What would you like to see God accomplish in 2006...
...in your personal life?
...in your family?
...here @ Father’s House?
Now remember...when dreaming with God...Henry Blackaby (author of Experiencing God)...not dreaming your own dreams & then asking God to join you in your dreams...but DREAMING GOD’s DREAMS for you and then adjusting your life to come in agreement with those dreams.
John 10:10 (MsgB) I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.
NIV I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
So what does Jesus mean?
Earthly riches & glory...fame & fortune? win the lottery? or...spiritual life, vibrancy of life, finding worth & purpose for you & your family.
Over 54 years...I’ve seen God honor this passage in my life & family.
But it’s one thing to DREAM GOD’s DREAMS and yet quite another thing to actually see GOD’S DREAMS accomplished in your life.
If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed. Proverbs 29: 18
I’m going to challenge you...TODAY
There are many of you here @ Father’s House who are standing right at the threshold of major breakthroughs in your life.
(Pastors...at this point I go into specifics for our church, and review some of the unique things God is doing & we’re doing as a church in 2006)
This church has in its midst, the presence of God. I’ve been in church leadership for over 20 years.
We have something very special here. Sometimes I don’t think any of us realize what seed of GOD’s GLORY we have here in our midst. When combined with what God is doing here in CR...churches working together for Jesus’ glory...FRIENDS...WE STAND ON THE THRESH-HOLD of HUGE BREAKTHROUGHS...in your life, your family, this church, this city.
But these promises won’t happen without our COOPERATION & EFFORT.
We’re offering the best DISCIPLESHIP BUILDING program in our eight years @ The House...WILL YOU JOIN US?
Prayer Care Share – Building Bridges to Linn County
Jan-Apr, 2006
Vineyard 101: Membership Class
Vineyard 201: Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
Feb, Apr, May, Sep & Nov, 2006
Nooma Small Groups
Spring & Fall, 2006
The Vineyard Gathering: Des Moines
Mar 3 & 4, 2006
Church Expansion: Marion church plant progress
Getting out of debt & finishing church building: plan expansion
Easter celebration—a biggie
and MORE.....
Several questions for you as we end our STOP & CONSIDER...
Are you content with amount of Jesus in your life today?
How much growth in Jesus do you want to experience in 2006?
"Christianity is a statement which, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important." C.S. Lewis
a "tremendous secret" or a "gigantic humbug". CS Lewis
Let’s PRAY