Still Blessed
Contributed by Michael Martin on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Blessing of Staying in God’s House
(Psa. 84:1-12) "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house..."
The word "Blessed" in the Bible means "contentment, happiness, fulfillment!"
The implication is that those that are content, happy and fulfilled are truly BLESSED!
In this wicked, lost and dying world, we can still have peace and contentment.
There is hope for the Child of God, because in Christ, we are BLESSED!
The Psalmist wrote:
Blessed are they that dwell in thy house!
> There is a promised BLESSING to those whose lives revolve around the House of God!
Notice the Psalmist’s admiration for the House of God (v. 1-2).
He uses STRONG words to describe how he feels about God and God’s House...
> LONGETH - to pine after; to desire, to long for.
> EVEN FAINTETH - to desire so passionately that it causes you to faint.
> My Heart and Flesh Crieth Out - It was both external & internal.
> He loves God’s House!
He realizes that even the birds know of the BLESSING of being in God’s House (v. 3).
The birds know this is the place to raise your children.
> If a bird-brain knows this, how is it that so many people do not?
(v. 4) IS OUR TEXT...
"Blessed are they that dwell in thy House..."
I. The Blessing of Being In God’s House.
A. A Propensity for Praise (v. 4).
1. It speaks of Calmness.
> They will BE STILL praising Thee!
> During troubled time, and in a troubling situation, you are not overtly excited.
> Things are going to pieces all around you, but you can BE STILL.
2. It speaks of Continuance.
> Many will quit when things get rough, but not those that stay in God’s house.
> Many will turn back to the world, but those that stay in Church will STILL BE PRAISING GOD!
3. It speaks of Confirmation.
> The word "Amen" implies "I Agree"
> It is a AUDIBLE confirmation.
4. It speaks of Cheerfulness.
> Shouting and carrying on, like a bunch of Comanche Indians...’
> Because you get excited about the things of God!
> That’s why at a sporting event they call it CHEERING!
> We ought to be MORE excited about the Eternal Things of God...
B. A Tendency for Toughness (v. 5;7).
1. There are too many crybaby Christians.
> We would have never made it in the early Church.
> Foxe’s Book of Martyrs would never have been written.
2. But there is something about those who stay with God’s people, and love God’s House.
> They learn some Stick-To-It-Ness.
> They get rough and tough, hard boiled, and thick-skinned.
3. The wimpy crybaby’s come and go.
> They are in and out.
> Here today, gone tomorrow!
4. Those that stay... go from Strength to Strength.
> This is a military term, meaning going from 1 squadron to another
> Implies that once your strength is gone, another fresh squadron comes along to re-enforce you.
C. An Inclination toward Improvement (v. 6).
1. The Valley of Baca - Tears.
> Even God’s people will go through valleys.
> Some will be tougher than others.
> The Valley of Baca, is the Valley of Tears.
> The Valley of Sorrow and the Shadow of death.
2. This Valley is common to all.
> No one is exempt from the Valley of Baca.
> No one can simply avoid this Valley.
> We must all PASS through this Valley.
3. "It came to Pass..."
> Thank God we do not dwell in the Valley, we just pass through.
> We dwell in the Courts of God, but we pass through the Valley!
4. But, those that have the strength, stamina and character to stay with God make it a well.
> A Valley is a dark and often dreadful place...
> A well is a refreshing and helpful place.
> We will all pass through the Valley of Baca...
> But, those that have the Blessing of God upon them MAKE IT A WELL!
5. Some enter a dark, dismal place and MAKE IT A PLACE OF REFRESHMENT.
> They enter a Dry, Dark, Dismal Valley and make it a WELL!
D. A Promise of His Presence (v.7-9).
1. Everyone will APPEAR before God.
> This is not talking about standing before God in judgement.
> It clearly implies that to appear before God is a privilege.
2. Look upon my face (v. 9).
> Again speaks of the great joy and honor to be in God’s presence.
3. It may be months or years in between, but each time it was well worth the wait!