Still Behind The Veil
Contributed by Jonathan Busch on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Sometimes we throw a veil over God in our lives. Lifting it when we need Him…and covering Him when we don’t.He becomes a Spiritual Jack in the Box. We do this because we do not want God’s Glory reflected in our lives at inopportune times.
Still Behind the Veil
Text: 2 Cor 3:12-18 (18)
Date: Aug 4, 2002
I would like to bring you a message entitled “Still Behind the Veil”
Now there are several veils that are mentioned in scripture. One is in the Old Testament tabernacle. It hung in the Holy of Holies and separated the Holy of Holies from the most Holy Place. It was this veil that was torn from top to bottom when Christ died on the Cross. Luke 23:45 “And the curtain of44It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, 45for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. Another veil that is mentioned is the veil we read of in our text tonight, it is the veil that Moses wore when he came down off of the mountain after meeting with God. It protected the people from the fading Glory of God on Moses’ face. Both veils had a purpose…it protected them from the Awesome Glory and Power of God. Tonight I would like to speak of a third veil that is spoken of in Scripture. It is mentioned in our text tonight…it is the veil that the Jews were putting over the O.T. scriptures. It clouded their understanding of what the Scriptures said regarding Christ. We look at the O.T. and say…how could they miss the foretelling of Christ throughout the entire law.
But according to our text tonight…the only one who takes that veil away is Jesus Christ. Scripture says in John 14:6 “No one comes to the Father except through me.” When the time is right that veil is lifted and we understand clearly through Jesus Christ. There is another veil I would like to share on for a few minutes tonight. It is the veil that we place over the Gospel from Time to Time. It is this veil that I would like to speak on.
Illus: I once saw a “Farside” cartoon in which two Indians were sitting on a hill in New Mexico doing smoke signal duty. All of a Sunday the Military ignited a nuclear bomb and it wasn’t long before a huge mushroom cloud was reaching into the sky. The byline on the cartoon was…”Boy I wish I would have said that!”
Sometimes we throw a veil over God in our lives. We lift it when we need Him…and throw the wet blanket over his fire so to speak when we don’t.
He becomes a Spiritual Jack in the Box. We do it because we do not want God’s Glory reflected in our lives at inopportune times.
I Cor 3:18
?Why did Moses put a veil on His face?
?Why do we veil our faces from time to me?
?How do we do this?
We are going to look at all of these things for just a few minutes.
A) The Reflection of the Lord’s Glory
B) This Glory Transforms us
C) It is Ever Increaising in its intensity
A) Fear
Fear of the Unknown
Fear of being out of control
B) Shame/Embarrasment.
Where does Shame come from
C) Sin
Sin is a veil to us…it always brings separation.
The veil that hung in the temple was a veil that
represented our sin. When Christ Died he tore
that veil.
D) Other
A) We have loss in relationship
With unveiled faces…we can know Him Rev 3:20…Behold I stand at the door and knock…fellowship
B) It puts distance between us and God…
We in essence say “Stay away God…you are not needed right now. He wants us to be His Bride…not just his servant.
C) The Veil that once kept us out now keeps God out.
The veil that keeps people from seeing God in us…also keeps God from working in us…. Our text says his glory works in “ever increasing” ways.
Don’t be like the smoke signal guy who just sends what he wants.