
Summary: Sometimes to get your miracle you have to get your feet wet

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Joshua 3:11-3:17

The children of Israel are standing in a familiar place (40 years prior, their parents had stood in this same place) On the brink of a breakthrough they had a breakdown.

They had a Faith Failure

They forfeited their promise, they were still Gods people, He cared for them and sustained them for 40 more years in the wilderness till all the doubters died off.

(But they died destiny poor).

One of the greatest tragedies in life is to live and never discover your destiny, but worse than that is to discover your destiny and forfeit it.

I want to talk for a minute to some people unlike this first generation, I want to talk to some people who know they have a destiny over their lives, who know there is a reason and a purpose for their existence.

I want to talk to the ones who want everything God has ordained for your life and you refuse to let go, give in or give up.

I want to talk to some people that have a fight in your spirit; the Kind of fight like Caleb had who at 85 years old said (give me my mountain) the kind of fight that won’t be denied.

Is there anybody who wants what God has promised you?

Is there anybody who refuses to settle for less than what God said you can have?

Is there anybody who has their mind made up that whatever it costs you’re going to get what God has promised you?

I wish somebody would just shout it out 3 times and make God glad and the devil mad

(Give me my Mountain).

Now it you’re satisfied where you’re at, with what you’ve got, seeing what you’re seeing, and doing what you’re doing and experiencing what you’re experiencing, (then this message is probably not for you.

But if you happen to be one of those rare breeds called dreamers, and if something inside of you is kicking, and if your spirit is divinely dissatisfied, and if you know God has destined you for more ( then you’re the one I’m talking to).

First of all I would be doing you a disservice of I didn’t tell you that every promise comes with a price.

There is no victory without a fight, and there is no testimony without a test.

There’s no crown without a cross and there’s no resurrection without a crucifixion.

There’s no healing without a sickness

There’s no deliverance without a fire

There is something you will have to go through to get your promise, before Joseph went to the Palace he went to the pit and the prison.

Before the three Hebrew boys were promoted they went through the fiery furnace.

And between the children of Israel and their Inheritance (their promise land) there was a river called Jordan (Jordan means, descender or the one that takes you down) that’s what Jordan intends to do is take you down, kill your dreams, drown your faith.

Even in most of our songs Jordan river is used to describe death.

There is a Jordan for every one of us.

Your Jordan may be different from mine, but what is the same is the fact that it stands between my promise and me and between you and your promise.

And the only way you or I can get through it is by faith.

You can’t float over on feelings, feelings won’t get you across, and you cant run over on past experiences, and you can’t get through on second hand knowledge.

Religion won’ t get you through it.

The only thing that can conquer Jordan is a living faith in a living God.

As the children of Israel stood at the edge of a raging Jordan river at flood stage, The captain Joshua give the Priest that carried the ark of the covenant, a strange order.

He says (start walking) (Step into the water) Start moving in the direction of your promise.

You can’t go by what you’re seeing or what your hearing or what you’re feeling or what other people are saying.

You can’t go by what your mind is saying or the economy is saying

(You have to move because God says Move)

You can’t wait until you can see a break in the waves, you can’t wait until it makes sense or it feels good to your emotions.

You can’t wait until you see the waters open up in front of you.

Maybe the first time God did it that way for you, when you were just starting out, but you’ve got some history with God now and he is requiring more faith from you now.

God says it time to take the training wheels off.

It’s time to get rid of the pacifier.

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