
Summary: Jesus as a person is loving, caring, compassionate, forgiving and encourages, appreciates and awarding expects us to stay True.

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Text: John 15:7-9

Theme: Stay True


Our theme verses for today is John 15:7,9

People, followers, believers quit because of:

- stressed-out people without clear priorities.

- Wasting knowledge and skills by keeping in wrong roles

- Lack of motivation and experience of negative emotions.

- Non-comfortability or Fear culture.

- People who find no meaning or purpose in their work perform below their potential are less productive and are often less loyal than those who work in purpose-driven organizations.

- No positive driving force from employer or boss (Cameron, et al, Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, write positive and virtuous practices gives more productivity).

Jesus emphasised to Stay True in three areas:

a. Abide in me- Jesus as a person is trustworthy

b. Abide in my words - Jesus keeps his words as best assurer. “He walks the talks and talks the walk”. (John 14:13-14, Matthew 7:24-28).

c. Abide in my love-Jesus loves without limits (John 3:16). Let us meditate on each one:

1. Jesus as a person is trustworthy:

Jesus as a person is loving, caring, compassionate, forgiving and encourages, appreciates and awarding.

Jesus Loved the neglected (John 5), cared for the outcast and forgiven the adulteress(John 12) and robbers and traitors (John 19). Appreciated the faithful and awarded them (Matthew 24). Loved all of us (Romans 5,8). He loved his disciples till the end (John 17). He cared for the five thousand who heard his messages (John 6). He was compassionate to the Lepers who met him on his ways like the Good Samaritan (Matthew 8). Jesus encouraged the disciples not to give up. He appreciated the man who multiplied his talents. He rewarded the faithful servants.

They stay true when they are:

•Cared for, being interested in, and maintaining as friends.

•Providing support for one another, including offering kindness and compassion when others are struggling.

•Avoiding blame game and forgive mistakes.

•Inspiring one another for spirituality.

•Emphasizing the meaningfulness of worship, devotion and grace.

•Treating one another with respect, gratitude, trust & integrity.

(Cameron, et. al., Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, write positive and virtuous practices gives more productivity).

Jesus Christ is the Vine, the true Vine. The union of the human and Divine natures, and the fulness of the Spirit that is in him, resemble the root of the vine. Believers are branches of this Vine. The root bears the tree, diffuses sap to it. All true Christians, though in place and opinion distant from each other, meet in Christ (Matthew Henry).

2. Jesus as an assurer

He keeps his words of promise. He held his promises from time old days. He never lies. His native language is truth. He remembers the promises he made to Abraham and his posterity (Luke 1:54-55). Jesus keeps his words as best assurer. “He walks the talks and talks the walk”. (John 14:13-14, Matthew 7:24-28)

Jesus expects his followers to abide in his words ‘Practically and experimentally, adhere steadfastly to the doctrine which I have taught you, firmly believing my declarations, conscientiously obeying my precepts, and affectionately embracing and relying on my promises’(Benson Commentary).

True disciples ask only what is due for them, not unduly and unwanted thinks, they wouldn’t test his power, ability (1 John 5;14-15). They ask for spiritual blessings, which they know is his will and will ask sincerely, earnestly, importunately, and perseveringly; with repentance, faith, obedience. Concerning temporal blessings, they ask conditionally, with entire resignation, desiring to receive them only so far as God foresees will be for their good and his glory.

3. Jesus loves without limits (John 3:16)

Falling from grace has awful consequences. So, continue to love me. Continue to show my love to others. My love never is static but momentous and moving. Remember the first love. Love at first sight. Never diminished and destroyed.

We should continue in his love: 1. Because his love is unchanging, he is our best friend who expressed his love through toils, groans, and blood. He is unchanging in the character and strength of his affection, so we are. Our happiness here and forever depends altogether on our continuing in the love of Christ. In my love - In love to me: Greek expresses this way. (Albert Barnes).

The love of Christ is not blind or ignorant love but it is an intelligent and expressive wholistic love (Pulpit Commentary). His love produces our love to him and others (Ellicott). Naturally, we are sinners, jealousy and fret but the love of Christ moulds and builds us to that great love to flow through us.

We heard many stories of the love of animals for human beings. They saved masters and kids. The love of God towards us is limitless.

True Love Joke:

If you love something, set it free.

If it comes back, it was, and always will be yours.

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