
Summary: We are on holy ground when we are: I. At The Cross; II. In The Church; III. In Christ.

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Text: Ex.3: 1-5

Intro: Moses, the man of God, fled the land of Egypt after having incurred the wrath of Pharaoh by killing an Egyptian in defense of his people. He now finds himself in the land of Midian following a flock of sheep belonging to his newly acquired father-in-law, Jethro.

As Moses followed Jethro’s sheep, he no doubt often reflected upon the recent events of his life. According to Acts 7: 25, Moses had hoped that the Israelites would have understood that God had chosen him as their leader by his killing of the abusive Egyptian. However, not only did they not understand, but he was forced to leave Egypt, fearing for his life. How disappointed and confused Moses must have felt.

In retrospect, we can see that had Moses not left Egypt and gone into the desert, he would have missed his appointment with God at the burning bush. It was here that he found himself on holy ground. It was here that he came to know God in a new and personal way.

I don’t believe that Moses ever forgot that particular experience with God. I believe that Moses learned that wherever we experience God’s presence in a new and vital way is certainly worthy of being called holy ground. I want us to consider some places that should be considered holy ground today.

Theme: We are on holy ground when we are:


A. Because Of The Body That Was Broken For Us.

Isa.50: 6 “I gave my back to the smiters (Matt.27: 26), and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting (Matt.26: 67).”

Isa.52: 14 “As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:”

Isa.53: 5 “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

NOTE: Folks, may we never forget that Jesus suffered to set us free. He died for us.

When Lincoln’s body was brought from Washington to Illinois, it passed through Albany and it was carried through the street. They say a black woman stood upon the curb and lifted her little son as far as she could reach above the heads of the crowd and was heard to say to him, “Take a long look, honey. He died for you.” So, if I could, I would lift up your spirit to see Calvary. Take a long look, He died for you.

Craig Glickman, Knowing Christ, pg. 89.

B. Because Of The Blood That He Bled For Us.

Eph.1: 7 “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;”

Heb.9: 14 “How much more shall the blood of Christ (Heb.9: 22—“…without shedding of blood is no remission”), who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”

NOTE: This story illustrates my point:

In his book Written In Blood, Robert Coleman tells the story of a little boy whose sister needed a blood transfusion. The doctor explained that she had the same disease the boy had recovered from two years earlier. Her only chance for recovery was a transfusion from someone who had previously conquered the disease. Since the two children had the same blood type, the boy was the ideal donor.

“Would you give your blood to Mary?” the doctor asked. Johnny hesitated. His lower lip started to tremble. Then he smiled and said, “Sure, for my sister.” Soon the two children were wheeled into the hospital room—Mary, pale and thin; Johnny, robust and healthy. Neither spoke, but when their eyes met, Johnny grinned. As the nurse inserted the needle into his arm, Johnny’s smile faded. He watched the blood flow through the tube.

With the ordeal almost over, his voice, slightly shaky, broke the silence. “Doctor, when do I die?” Only then did the doctor realize why Johnny had hesitated, why his lip had trembled when he’d agreed to donate his blood. He thought giving his blood to his sister meant giving up his life. In that brief moment, he’d made his great decision. Johnny, fortunately, didn’t have to die to save his sister. Each of us, however, has a condition more serious than Mary’s, and it required Jesus to give not just His blood, but His life.

Thomas Lindberg.

C. Because Of The Burden That He Bore For Us.

II Cor.5: 21 “For he (God, the Father) hath made him (God, the Son) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”

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