
Summary: Will these generation preachers stand for the truth of the Gospel they preach in their pulpits, even if it makes many enemies and leads to persecution?

“That which I have preached, I will seal with my own blood” John Rogers

John Rogers was a martyr of the Reformation era (1500-1600). He was burnt at the stake. These were the last few words he spoke before being burned at the stake. He spoke the truth about the Gospel, which offended people and made many enemies. The truth he preached resulted in persecution. The truth of the gospel he preached, he lived and stood for it, even if it made many enemies, led to persecution, and even death. He even sealed the truth with his own blood. What a wonderful testimony this martyr had.

Stephen preached the truth, defended and stood for the truth, and died for it (Acts 7:54). Will these generation preachers stand for the truth of the Gospel they preach in their pulpits, even if it makes many enemies and leads to persecution? This generation preachers cannot handle or does not want to face persecution. They want to be safe. Elijah was in direct conflict with the king of Israel because he spoke the truth about sin and wickedness. To what extent will we preach the truth?

You see this generation preachers who are driving luxury cars and living lavish lives; how will they flee persecution? These preachers have adjusted to the comforts of the world; living in Sodom, how are they willing to enter persecution for the truth? If they want to speak the truth, how are they saving themselves from persecution? Speaking the truth will not only led to persecution, but will also make many enemies. How many preachers are willing to speak the truth, even if it results in persecution?

Everyone wants their safety and comfort. They preach the truth in such a way that will not result in persecution. How long will you preach sugar-coated messages without preaching the whole truth? This generation has many preachers, but very few martyrs. They preach the truth, but they don't stand for it. Martyrs were willing to die for the truth that they preached. God needs Martyr preachers in these end times who are willing to face persecution for speaking the truth. If you want to be an end-time preacher, then you must speak the whole truth of the Gospel, live it, and stand for it even if it might lead to persecution.

Are you standing for truth of the Gospel, or not? The martyrs stood for the truth they preached.

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