
Spiritual Warfare

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 12, 2023
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Explores how to stand firm in spiritual warfare by harnessing the Holy Spirit and heeding God's heavenly battle strategies using the full armor of God.


Good morning, dear church family.

As we gather here today, I am reminded of the words of the great preacher Charles Spurgeon, who once said, "To be a Christian is to be a warrior." Indeed, we are warriors, not of this world, but of a spiritual realm, engaged in a battle that rages beyond the physical eye.

Our Scripture today, Ephesians 6:13-17, echoes this sentiment and offers us divine guidance for this spiritual warfare.

"Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

In this passage, Paul is not speaking in metaphors or parables. He is speaking to us, the warriors of Christ, arming us for the spiritual battles that we face daily. But how do we harness the power of the Holy Spirit? How do we heed the heavenly battle strategies? How do we hold firm in spiritual warfare? These are the questions we will seek to answer today.

As we embark on this discussion, let us open with a word of prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of this day and for the opportunity to gather as a community to study your word. We ask that you open our hearts and minds to your divine wisdom. Guide us as we seek to understand the spiritual warfare that we face and how to stand firm in it. Help us to harness the power of the Holy Spirit and to heed your heavenly battle strategies. As we study your word, may we grow in faith and in our understanding of your will. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Let’s get started!

Harnessing the Holy Spirit's Power

In the midst of our spiritual battles, we are not left defenseless. The power of the Holy Spirit is available to us, a divine force that equips and empowers us to stand firm against the forces of evil. It's like a mighty wind, unseen but powerful, capable of moving the tallest trees and the mightiest mountains. This power is not something we can generate on our own, but a gift from God, given to us through His Holy Spirit.

Understanding its source: The Holy Spirit is not a force we can control or manipulate. It is God's Spirit, a part of the divine Trinity. It is God Himself dwelling within us, guiding us, empowering us, and transforming us. We cannot harness the power of the Holy Spirit by our own strength or willpower. It is a divine gift, given freely to those who believe in Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

Faith: Faith is the key that unlocks the power of the Holy Spirit. It is through faith that we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. When we believe in Christ, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, who then dwells within us. This faith is not a one-time event, but a daily walk with God. It is a constant trust in His promises, a steadfast reliance on His word, and a firm belief in His power. It is through this faith that we can harness the power of the Holy Spirit.

Obedience: The Holy Spirit is not a force that we can command at will. It is God's Spirit, and He works according to His divine will and purpose. To harness the power of the Holy Spirit, we must be willing to submit to God's will, to obey His commands, and to follow His guidance. This obedience is not a burden, but a joy, for it is through obedience that we experience the fullness of God's power and love.

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Prayer: Prayer is the means by which we communicate with God, express our needs, confess our sins, and seek His guidance. It is through prayer that we invite the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us. It is through prayer that we surrender our will to God's will, and allow His power to flow through us. Prayer is not a ritual or a duty, but a privilege and a joy. It is the lifeline that connects us to God, and it is through prayer that we can harness the power of the Holy Spirit.

These aspects are reflected in the armor of God: The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit are all empowered by the Holy Spirit. They are not physical weapons, but spiritual ones, designed to protect us, strengthen us, and equip us for the spiritual battles we face.

Examples: The belt of truth represents the truth of God's word, which is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. The breastplate of righteousness represents the righteousness of Christ, which is imputed to us by the Holy Spirit. The shoes of the gospel of peace represent the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding and is given to us by the Holy Spirit. The shield of faith represents our faith in Christ, which is strengthened and sustained by the Holy Spirit. The helmet of salvation represents our salvation in Christ, which is sealed by the Holy Spirit. And the sword of the Spirit represents the word of God, which is inspired and illuminated by the Holy Spirit.

These pieces of armor: In each of them we see the power of the Holy Spirit at work, equipping us, empowering us, and enabling us to stand firm in the face of spiritual warfare. This is the power that we are called to harness, not by our own strength or willpower, but by faith, obedience, and prayer. This is the power that enables us to stand firm, to fight the good fight, and to finish the race. This is the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of God, and the power of the gospel.

Heeding the Heavenly Battle Strategies

In the midst of our spiritual warfare, we find ourselves not only armed but also guided ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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