Spiritual Insights From The Christmas Story
Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is about the spiritual lessons that we can learn from the Christmas Story
Luke 1: 11-20 Luke 1:26-38 Luke 2:8-12 Matthew 1:20-24
The Christmas story begins with good tidings from God to mankind. After a silence of 400 years Man is now getting a message from God. It was good tidings of great joy. The angel told Zacharias ‘Fear not ,your prayer is heard ‘. The Angel told Mary ‘Fear not, you have found favour with God’. The angel told the shepherds ‘Fear not, we bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people’. The angel told Joseph ‘fear not to take Mary as your wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost’. The message from God brought hope and confidence and blessing. It revealed God’s plan for their lives and for the salvation of mankind. Even today God gives us the message of hope and confidence.Let us not listen to the voice of satan when he tries put fear in our hearts.
Luke 1:36-37,48-53,71-75
The Christmas story begins with a great turnaround and transformation in impossible situations. It began with a demonstration of the mighty power of God. Zacharias and Elisabeth were a childless couple now in their old age. Elisabeth had no hope of bearing a child and was called barren . But God demonstrated his mighty power by causing Elisabeth to give birth to a son. It was a great turnaround in an impossible situation. Mary experienced a great turnaround in her life. From a low estate she was elevated to a position where future generations would call her blessed. Zacharias proclaimed the great turnaround in the lives of God’s people where they would be delivered from their enemies to serve God without fear in holiness and righteousness all the days of their lives.Even today God can bring a great turnaround in the situations that we face for with God nothing shall be impossible.
Luke 1:41-55,64-78 Luke 2:13-20,28-32,38 Matthew 2:11
The Christmas story is filled with thankgiving and praise and worship. Zacharias praised God when John the Baptist was born .Elisabeth praised God when Mary came to visit her. Mary responded with worship and adoration unto God for his favour. The angels appeared to the shepherds and praised and worshipped God. The wise men came to see the baby Jesus and worshipped Him. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and praised God. Anna praised God when she saw the baby Jesus. There was great praise and worship and thanksgiving unto God for sending His only begotten Son into this world.Even today our hearts must be filled with praise and worship and thanksgiving unto God for all that He has done for us.
Matthew 1:22 Matthew 2:5,6,15,17,18 Luke 1:20,70 Luke 2:25-27,36-38
The Christmas story is a classic example of God’s timing in fulfilling His promises and prophecies. From the foundation of the world there were many prophecies of the coming messiah foretold by many different prophets at different times . All the prophecies found their time of fulfillment during the birth of Christ. Simeon and Anna were led of the Holy Spirit to come to the temple at the exact time when Jesus was brought to the temple. The timing of God was revealed in the birth of Christ.Even today we must recognize the timing of God in our lives to fulfill His promises to us.
Matthew 1:18-21 Matthew 2:12-14,19-22 Luke 2:4-7
The Christmas story has many instances of tension and anxiety and uncertainity. Joseph had many anxious moments when he learned of Mary’s pregnancy until God sent an angel to explain the situation to him. They had tense moments when they had to make a difficult journey to Bethlemen with Mary in an advanced state of pregnancy .It was indeed dangerous for Mary to travel in that condition. Even after they reached Bethlehem they had anxious moments because they had no place at the Inn and Mary was about to give birth. Finally they managed to get some space in the manger where Jesus was born. Even after the birth of Jesus they had anxious moments when they to flee to Egypt to save the life of Jesus and had to return after two years not to Bethlehem but to Nazareth. Even though Mary and Joseph were in the perfect will of God they still had to go through times of tension and anxiety.Even today we may face tension and anxiety when we go about fulfilling the will of God in our lives.Let us not expect everything to be smooth and easy when we obey God.
Luke 1:18-20,38 Luke 2:10,17,30-32,34-35,38
The Christmas story has many testimonies of people who responded to the message of the birth of Christ . Mary responded with faith and acceptance when the Angel told her of the supernatural conception of Jesus.She said ‘let it happen unto me according to your word ‘. Zacharias was doubtful when the Angel told him about Elisabeth’s conception and had to be dumb for a season until John the Baptist was born. The shepherds testified about the birth of Christ to others. Simeon testified about the ministry of Christ .Anna testified about the redemption through the birth of Christ in this world.Even today we must bear testimony of what Christ has done for us before the world. We must proclaim the message of Christ to this dying world.