Spiritual Insights From "American Idol"
Contributed by John Mayes on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: What does "American Idol" have in common with the day of Judgment and Matthew 7:21? Both are "reality based"!
Spiritual Insights from "American Idol"
The show, "American Idol" is in it’s fifth season on FOX and is watched by millions of people worldwide. Every year thousands of hopeful contestants between the ages of 16 and 29 audition for the chance to become the next "American Idol". Immediate fame and fortune await the one person who can sing well enough week after week to beat-out all the other highly talented individuals with undiscovered musical talent.
However, at the start of the competition, there are several individuals who have no business singing in public, but are convinced that they are supremely talented, despite the fact that they can’t carry a tune if their lives depended on it. Yet, they remain arrogant and confident that they are, without a doubt, the next "American Idol".
Here is what some of them said before their audition:
"I’m basically a natural. Be prepared, I’ll knock your socks off!"
"I sing like an angel. I’ve been singing since I was two."
"What America is going to like about my voice is that it’s pure. It’s honest."
"I recently discovered a talent I didn’t know I had. I can actually sing. My voice is very different. It’s the best voice in the world; it’s the next voice of
Anerican Idol."
Here are my top five sorriest excuses some gave when they didn’t advance:
5. "If he had famous clothes on and looked rich he
would have make it." (Mom)
4. "My throat is dry because I have been practicing
all day."
3. "You haven’t given me a chance to evolve."
2. "Actually, I really can sing, I’m just nervous
as can be and I gotta go to the restroom."
(The edited version)
1. "I didn’t make it through because my legs were
too hairy".
Many find it entertaining to watch conceited people making fools of themselves by singing as best as they can, only to discover the judges are laughing at their audition. It is hard to imagine that someone who sings so poorly has no idea that he or she are dreadful, and yet they are shocked when they are given the bad news that they didn’t make it.
There is, perhaps in the not so distance future, a simular situation where many will be shocked to learn that they also didn’t make it. Only, this situation won’t be entertaining or amusing. It is the day when many will stand before a different type of judge and will be told that they are not going to Heaven.
Notice the warning of Jesus in Matthew 7:21, "Not everyone who says to me ’Lord, Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ’Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ’I never knew you. Away from me, you evil doers!’
There are five key words and phrases that Jesus used to make this verse one of the most controversial passages in the Bible:
1. It is not enough to "say" that Jesus is "Lord" or "master" of your life. A noted Bible scholar, Leon Morris says, "The doubled "Lord", is apparently a way of emphasizing lordship; the speakers insist that they regard Jesus as their Lord". Imagine what a dreadful feeling it must be to "say" that Jesus is your Lord, only to hear him call you an "evil doer" and send you to Hell.
2. These individuals will learn on that day, that they never had a relationship with Jesus. Notice that in verse 23, Jesus said, "I never knew you." This does not mean that he was ignorant of their existance, but that they were never a friend of Jesus. People may "appear" to be religious, or Christian or faithful, church-going disciples, but Jesus knows the truth about them. He knows the difference between those who are really his and those who are counterfeit.
Unfortunately, even many of these "counterfeit" Christians are fooled into believing that they are saved when they are not. It does not matter if you
"say" that you know Jesus, what matters is that He
knows you!
3. Apparently going to church, reading your Bible and doing religious acts is not enough to get you into heaven. These teachers argued, "Did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?" They wouldn’t have asked these questions unless they thought the answer from Jesus would be "yes". However, Jesus was not impressed. Without first having a saving relationship with Jesus, nothing you can do will impress God.
In Acts 19:13-16, there is a curious little story about people who also used the name of Jesus to perform miracles. It seems some Jews tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. After seeing the miracles from the Apostle Paul at Ephesus, these Jews would say, "In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out."