
Summary: Spiritual consistency is a magnificent outcome of well-developed spiritual life.

Spiritual consistency is a magnificent outcome of a

well-developed spiritual life. Neglected spirituality

naturally tends to stagnancy then gradually falls into

spiritual deterioration. A newly saved person must be

properly taught through the Scriptures and must be

guided in the right path. Spiritual nourishment and

right association are very essential to every

believer. Obedience to the Word of God is a great door

to spiritual consistency. Faith animates our Christian

service, but fear and love of God maintains our

spiritual walk in Christ.

God loves people who walk with Him consistently.

Enoch pleased God through his godly walk. Abraham

delighted the Lord through his faith and

unquestionable friendship. They became classic

examples followed by godly men through the ages. As we

carefully study II Timothy 4:6-7, the life of Apostle

Paul will certainly touch our curiosity concerning

spiritual consistency. Since Paul became a Christian

his spiritual life tremendously progressed beyond

man’s expectation. It was a miracle of God.

God wants us to be a part of His great miracles. On

the other side, the devil wants us and invites us to

become partakers of his activities. How sad when

believers are enticed by the deceitfulness of worldly

pleasures and led into the snare of the devil. In

Timothy 4:10, Demas was a victim of unguarded

spirituality. He who loves the world will surely leave

the Word. He who loves the Word must be careful to

guard himself from the deceitful offers of the world.

Spiritual derailment and seasonal spirituality are

very visible these days in the lives of many

professing believers. Every Christian must be awakened

and not be weakened. We should not let our adversary

take control of our lives, but strengthen ourselves in

the Lord. It’s time to draw closer to God and submit

every area of our life to


(I) The Visible Manifestation

II Timothy 4:6-7

-A well-lived life

-A good soldier of Christ

-Not a quitter but finisher

Determined finisher - Acts 20:24

-A faithful servant of the Lord

(II) Rewarding Life

II Timothy 4:8

-Crown of righteousness

-Abiding presence of the Lord vs17, 18

True believers must be aware of the shortness of

life. We should be also aware that our lives are

living epistles to be read by men. What a blessing if

we are counted as eye catcher, not an eye sore. We

have an important task to finish for the glory of God,

but outside spiritual consistency, we will never

experience and enjoy the powerful working of God in

us. Spiritual consistency starts from the heart as a

commitment to holy living. It is fueled by love,

enhanced by faith and maintained by fear of God.

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