Sowing And Reaping At The Right Time Series
Contributed by Mike Rickman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There is a right time for sowing and a right time for reaping.
August 28, 2016
Morning Worship
Text: Genesis 8:22, Luke 5:1-7
Subject: The Seed Principle
Title: Sowing and Reaping at the Right Time
We’ve been talking for a few weeks now about the subject of sowing and reaping… the seed principle. Everything that is or has ever been came into being by this principle. Before God ever created anything there was a seed in His mind as to how it would look and how it would work. The earth, the planets, the solar system, the sun… everything set in its right place and spinning at the right speed and orbiting the sun in the right times…
Before God spoke it into existence it was a seed in His mind. Aren’t you glad that He didn’t stop with just the seed of His thought? He planted the seed and then by His own word harvested the very creation by His word… Eight times in the creation story we see God’s creative seed brought into being by these words, “And God said…”
And everything was perfect! The earth spinning at the right speed so that things didn’t fly off the surface if it were too fast or crushed by the weight of the atmosphere if it were too slow. The earth titled at the right angle so that we have temperatures that sustain life. The earth at the right distance from the sun, the right amount of ozone in the atmosphere to keep harmful rays out but let the life giving rays in… All because God said.
Every one of us here today is the result of seed being planted. Did you have breakfast this morning? It came from seed.
And the whole pattern will continue until everything is destroyed and made new.
Genesis 8:22 (NKJV)
22 "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease."
I believe this is God’s word…
I believe it is for me…
I accept it as mine…
I will appropriate it to my life today…
We believe that this bible that we hold in our hands is the inspired Word of God and that every bit of it is true, and there are promises in here that are ours to have and receive the benefit of is only we can learn to plant a seed of the word by faith and then proceed by walking in faith until we get to a place where we can harvest. Too many people think that if I sow by faith and make a confession in agreement with God’s word that God will bring in the harvest for us. But that’s where we fall short. God brings the increase but we are responsible to bring in the harvest. I wonder how many souls have been lost because Christians have planted seeds and then waited for others to harvest for them.
The very first thing we have to do in the spiritual principle of sowing and reaping is to make sure that the seed we plant is good seed. In Mark chapter 4 we see the parable of the sower or the parable of the seed. Jesus said that this is the granddaddy of all the parables… if you can’t understand this one, then how can you understand any of them?
Now the emphasis of the parable is the sowing. The sowing is your part. In explaining the parable Jesus said this,
Mark 4:14 (NKJV)
14 The sower sows the word.
Luke 8:11 (NKJV)
11 "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
So as a sower your part is to sow the Word of God… What do I mean by that? It is your responsibility to make your claims to God’s promise by being in agreement with what God’s word says about your situation.
Proverbs 18:21 (NIV2011)
21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
You may not realize it but your speech, the words you say, is a reflection of your faith, or at least a reflection of your understanding of the Word. That is why sowing seed must align with God’s word.
Let me give you and example… some of you have heard this story before but it bears repeating because it gives an example of what can happen when you are not in agreement with the Word of God.
A good friend of ours – a wonderful Christian - used to say this whenever there was a flu bug going around, “ Well, that flu is going around. I guess everybody in our house will get it. We always do.” And there were six of them in the house and guess what; they always did. They ignored what the Word of God says.