
Summary: What evidence do you have to prove your faith in Christ? Is your commitment to Christ more than just an opinion or a way of thinking? In these last days, each of us needs to do all we can to live our lives the best we can, and be the testimony to our fri

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The question has been asked, “If you were arrested and charged with being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

What evidence do you have to prove your faith in Christ? Is your commitment to Christ more than just an opinion or a way of thinking? In these last days, each of us needs to do all we can to live our lives the best we can, and be the testimony to our friends and loved ones.

But how can we do this?

Believers on the island of Crete faced such a challenge. The Cretan culture had many, many gods they could worship. The people (there) filled their time with much idle chatter, empty promises, and lies. Listen to this description of the people of that place and time.

Text: Titus 1:10–13

This book of the New Testament is actually a letter from the Apostle Paul written to a Gentile named Titus. There is a lot of information about this man. Perhaps part of the reason for that is because Titus was a man made for difficult situations. You know the tough tasks, the job that no one else wanted.

Titus loved being sent out by the Apostle Paul to face a good challenge. Allow me to share with you what I found out about this man of God.

According to II Corinthians chapters 7 and 8, Paul said that Titus was dependable, reliable, and disciplined to always get the job done. Paul said that Titus had a great capacity for human affection and compassion. I like him already! Amen?

Titus possessed both strength and tact.

Titus calmed desperate situations on more than one occasion. He is a good model for Christians who are called to live out their witness during tough circumstances.

Our friend Titus was just the man to deal with that unsavory bunch on the island of Crete. Paul said these people were - “insubordinate and rebellious people that had to be silenced.”

Paul identified a lot of the problems, there in Crete, with these new believers. Paul starts off his letter to Titus with the truth we to need to hear.

That is, “God never lies” (vs. 2). As well, God’s people must be people of truth and absolute integrity.

How can that happen with these?

“…rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith…”(vs. 13)

There are times when this is necessary.

There is something for each of us in this next passage of scripture. Look closely.

Text: Titus 2:1 thru 8

This passage of scripture is our prescription to spiritual health. There is no doubt (in my heart) that this is just what the doctor has ordered for each of us.

Allow me to be candid with you. These are trying times for each of us. Many of you are not too sure about what is going on with (let’s just say) these days of transition. My wife and I have been asked what is going on and can only say that when we know, you will know also.

In the meantime, we must remain faithful and focused on the real reason why each of us are here. There are –

1. Souls to be saved.

2. Lives to be set free.

3. Bodies to be healed from sickness.

During times like this, we will all find out what we are made of by what we say and do. Are we helping or hindering?

This passage from Titus 2 is a call for us to act responsibly to our brothers and sisters in Christ, and portray Christ to those who are unsaved.

I may be speaking “sharply”, but just like verse 13 says I am speaking this way so that you may be “sound in your faith.”

In this letter from Paul to Titus he uses a word that helps us to evaluate our spiritual health. The word is "sound". We get our English word "hygiene" or “healthy” from the Greek word Paul uses.

When the Bible speaks of "sound doctrine", "sound faith" and "sound speech", it is talking about "healthy doctrine", "healthy faith" and "healthy speech". This is the kind of doctrine, faith and speech that makes people healthy.

How do we maintain good spiritual health? How do we know if we are portraying a “healthy faith and speech?”

I John 4:1 says this (in the TLB)

Dearly loved friends, don’t always believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from God: test it first to see if it really is. For there are many false teachers around,

There are all kinds of “teachers” nowadays. Some teach good things out of the Bible, while other teachers teach bad things such as discord, anger, bitterness, resentment, jealousy, etc.

Good teachers are folks who are spiritually healthy. The first test of good spiritual health (in us) is our relationship to "sound doctrine". This is the foundation. If our spiritual health is going to be good, it has to be based on the right information.

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